
I think we’re writing off the Jetsons sound idea too quickly here. It doesn’t have to be cacophonously loud; a subtle burble, like a small stream, but more future-y, would be great. Something engineered not to build to a roar in contained or dense environments would be a good feature, too.

You do know legislators interested in reducing black turnout are ON THE RECORD as having which polling places and registration locations to close based on the race of those who use them? The argument may chafe, but the fact remains that it’s true. To deny it and chalk it up to a lack personal responsibility is worse

I always thought it was weird that the Saturn SL2 had one, but it was apparently the fancy look, since it was not on the SL or SL1.

The coffee is for him, then?

The Doing-a-Thing-with-Equipment-Poorly-Suited-to-That-Thing category of competition is my favorite sort.

We wads of filthy sidewalk gum don’t deserve to be compared to something you flush down a toilet like Ann Coulter.

My enjoyment of this title pun is wholly unobstructed.

I recognize that one! Long ago, my first major was Astronomy, but Geography has proven a better fit.

It was long thought that the error Einstein corrected for was due to an unseen plant they were calling Vulcan. Massive, global observations of solar eclipses were done in order to try and spot the imagined planet. Read  T

My dark elf carries a +2 lachrymal saber...

So long as it keeps any excess greenhouse gasses from leaking across the border...

I hope all of these folks’ grandkids are brown.


You don’t think a computer would be better at routing traction to the correct wheel and compensating with steering than a human? Their reaction time is certainly likely to be better. Also: windshield wipers.

Even if humans are banned from driving on public roads, there’s no reason to ban humans from driving offroad, or on private roads and tracks. People still ride horses, too, just not on the roads so much anymore.

A March ‘74 Oui, perchance?

I am for this showdown on these conditons:

Same here; I left christianity behind, but there was a time in the early 90s when I owned a christian bookstore “Fear Not” ripoff of a “No Fear” t-shirt.

It is fundamentally impossible to have to have self-sustaining transportation of any sort. An unwilling party will always have to pick up the slack: taxpayers underwriting the cost, landowers who lose rights, companies that fail to profit. The reason we pay for transit infrastructure is because it makes everything

Tailgate, shmailgate; check out that USB-C port!