
‘Nizer, please.

I don’t think you understand the concept of Free Speech very well. The 1st Amendment prevents government from banning words; your fellow humans have every right to point out that you’re a jerk for saying certain ones and ostracize you as a result.

I should have check there for the history instead of looking to see if pom- was some sort of advanced mathematical prefix that amounted to “even”!

So, why are they pomeron/odderon rather than eveneron/odderon?

The party of forced birth, folks. I’m sure the fetusophiles who held their noses with varying levels of enthusiasm in the voting booth while dreaming of Gorsuch will be lapping this up with celebratory memes and highly-FW:FW:FW-able prayer chain emails.

At Gethsemane, before he was arrested, as well as other times. I don’t think we’re supposed to understand that he was praying to Mithras, Jupiter, or Odin at those times.

The dogma of the trinity complicates that, I think; he prayed to himself, so we have a weird little do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do there.

Heck, in two years you can run for POTUS and one-up her by doing it in the Oval Office. I think I may have a broader notion of what the antecedent of “this” is than you actually intended, though.

The rougher the area, the more important it is for police to be seen as a neutral or benevolent agent and not an opponent. A resting or smiling expression would seem to be a better fit for that. If a cop is too scared to do even that, they may not be steady enough to be trusted with the burden.

I’m quite familiar that place; I’m just saying that it could be improved.

A clever police department concerned with its stated mission of public service and protection would buy only the plainest, dorkiest, and un-macho gear possible in order to weed out cops that consider that stuff important.

Their authority to detain, search, arrest, and use force is all they need. Up until they need to do of of those, they should be as innocuous and approachable as possible to everyone. Looking tough in order to intimidate people is not a thing any public servant should be.

Cops who are concerned with looking tough shouldn’t be cops.

Austin is probably on here because we’re booming in a general way that averages out well for the purposes of this study despite trends that drive those who feel the pinch of boomtown housing inflation elsewhere and a well-reported general indifference to the black community from public and private entities, both of

Only if you’re prepared to G.

Tangentially related question: is The Wiz a Thanksgiving movie?

Does something smell like...tulips?

I am positive Chance is no less knowledgeable about policy matters than the current officeholder, and his staff is likely to be far less odious, so I’m sold. Sadly, he will not be eligible until 2028.

I...guess it’s time to go home, then?

Arugula is a must with any non-sausage charcuterie, especially prosciutto.