
Came for this, leaving satisfied.

No more than they compensate land owners for decreased property value when a noisy, dirty freeway goes through nearby.

Well, it’s not like he’s a marquee character...


That’s what I’m curious about! Is there a solar mass of ejected black hole stuff floating about the vicinity of the collision, or did it convert one solar mass into energy in the process?

Full-size wheels + folding = Montague, but it’s a BIG fold. However, I suggest a Strida for multimodal ease and pure, unabashed funkiness.

Is there a constructive way to engage fellow bike commuters who behave in ways that reinforce anti-cycling arguments?

I often hide the source of moronic shares so I can continue enjoying non-obnoxious posts from friends I know to be gullible and generally low-information while avoiding evidence of their ever-deepening descent into the RWNJosphere. Snopes links can only help so much, I’m afraid.

The only song I can conjure to mind that uses that phrase is a Dolly Parton tune, and the dungarees in question are on a cowboy.

I started cycling to work about 7.5 years ago. I weighed 285 at the time, and saw some initial benefits quickly. To lock in all that literal sweat equity, I started reforming my diet. At first, I used tracking and mutual accountability spreadsheets organized by a fitness-enthusiast friend, and then I created my own

Yep, better not think rationally about things and put them in proper perspective, or dumb people will do a dumb thing again. This makes perfect sense, actually, as a vote for Trump is basically a vote against rational policymaking that doesn’t stroke comfortable prejudices.

I’ve been preaching this truth since electric cars became a going concern again. It’s the inevitable song of transportation’s future.

Drivers should not be assertive; they should be deferential.

This story drives home the importance of never, ever, being in Alabama.

Sooo...I guess we shouldn’t be holding our breath awaiting reviews of Graffiti Bridge and Under the Cherry Moon anytime soon?

I dunno; I’m of a mind that the 2nd Amendment was a generally bad idea and grossly misread in the past 60-ish years, but if you’re always mistaken for being armed, might as well actually make yourself so. The main risk (aside from increased ease of suicide and accidental discharge) would be to solidify confirmation

I like that; far more pithy!

I get the feeling that many schools in smallish, rural places feel that they can fly under the radar with this crap, being somehow invisible to social media.

It’s like someone made an imperfect clone of Alan Moore, but replaced all his obsession with mystical arcana with obsession about traitorous memorabilia.