
I skipped 99% of this post to jump down here and note this: “Big Shanty” sounds like it should be describing the larger but not fancier shack Steve Martin’s character bought his family after hitting it big in The Jerk.

It’s actually a bit bigger than my traditional-construction on-a-regular-slab house.

Or a perfume scent to calm the masses during the coming crisis. Coming this fall from Veidt!

So, she’s the Soup Antifa? I can dig it.

Krampus Wanted For Questioning

It’s not the money carrot; it’s the primary stick.

Locally-stored Android apps.

I’m glad you’ve chosen “Will it Casserole” instead of the infinitely less appetizing “Will it Aspic”.

I think that the phrase “driving machine” still works, it’ll just be a machine that drives rather than a machine that’s driven.

Once you get past the irrational “yuck” factor and realize that it’s not going to hurt you, taste bad, and serves to reduce waste and the environmental impact of livestock farming by wringing every last bit of usefulness from its source, it’s not all that hard, really. Unless, of course, you’re opposed to eating

I see a gap in your resume after your time with OCP and when you joined Weyland-Utani; can you tell me about what happened there?

I’m not sure I’d want to own one, but I’d be interested in using a service that does.

They clearly need to put out a style guide akin to Strunk & White, but probably without the Strunk, and waaay more White.

I think if JALOPNK was taken, I’d have gone with the other phonetically-optional vowel and ordered up JLOPNIK.

I’ve always taken that phenomenon as a demonstration of how politically and socially flexible the idea of whiteness can be when necessary for its survival as well as the constructed nature of racial categories in general.

Realigning agriculture policy to support public heath would be a start; subsidize brassicas instead of corn, for example.

Hmm...Traitor Reef seems like a good idea!

I, too, am perversely curious about the internal logic at work there. What supposed attribute leads to the need/desire for loose shoes? Just an exaggerated preference for comfort? Shoes that are too loose drive me crazy, and I can’t fathom why anyone would want such a thing.

I think she got it for $70-80 or so on Amazon.

Where does Senator go in there? And what of her styling? Han seemed to have a few probably wrong ideas about that.