
My wife, who adores her Time Round, has capitalized on their current low price and scooped up a couple spares. I hope the color eInk display and slim functionality model resurfaces elsewhere.

It’s still not as stylish as the Pebble Time Round.

Infrastructure serves users, not the other way around. Drivers should just learn to be more patient rather than demanding more lanes; after all, it’s a cheap behavioral modification that’s so much cheaper then the alternative.

Drivers who think speed limits are speed entitlements or speed minimums are a better fit for that epithet. Pass properly.

I feel ya - ArcMap is literally the only reason I still run Windows at home.

I was in London last week, and spotted that GT40 (or possibly another in the customary Gulf livery) while strolling along Westbourne Grove near Queensway.

Awww, the 80s? I was really hoping for a WWII-era adventure with some Justice Society folks.

I used non-flouride toothpaste when I was very young because the groundwater where we lived was already so high in fluoride that the addition of more was causing tooth discoloration. Now I get a reasonable amount from city tap water and Crest.

This plot twist was not included in The Very Hungry Caterpillar for some reason.

I guess I’ll just have to keep looking for the right spot to found my New Boise colony, then.

I hate “homeland”; it’s rubbed me the wrong way since I first heard it just after 9/11.

Almost certainly not; VW, in light of their historical ties to a certain military power that they’d rather not be associated with, have been very insistent that their products not be depicted as weapons, including fictional alien robot soldiers. That’s why Bumblebee hasn’t been a Beetle since Generation 1.

The nearest hospital to me (St David’s North Austin Medical Center) has the all the main signs pointing the way to their children’s ER in Comic Sans.

Spooning, maybe? Just be careful of getting rolled over on.

Still a baby, just not a lap hippo. In fact, getting a baby hippo used to sitting in your lap seems like a good recipe for a broken pelvis by and by.

By the time they get to trial, the rapists, murderers, and thieves are done with providing evidence to the prosecution; this client would be a never-ending stream of new admittables.

The article mentions that only the cars, building, and the very crust of our planet were damaged; no strolling humans were harmed in the making of this kaboom, it would seem.

It’s a great shame that security cameras don’t have the necessary resolution to capture the expression on the face of that person strolling by.

Above his pants? So, ridiculing his taste in shirts, neckwear, and hats it is, then!