
That was the exact apparent historical-linguistic irony I was aiming for! However, a brief googling reveals that, “franca” referred to a poorly-defined “Frankish,” which could mean French, German, or just western European. The term came into use to describe the mix of Italian and other languages used by traders in the

Mirado Black Warrior or GTFO.

English is the lingua franca.

Why don’t the moderate ones condemn these acts of violence...?

Ah, thanks! Clearly, it’s been a minute since I read that issue.

Didn’t they once get sucked into a different dimension to fight a eons-long war, hooking up somewhere along the way before being returned as if no time had passed?

I noticed some seatbelts back there; you could probably attach male ends to the underside of the deck and lock it into place using those. Then, it’d still be pretty easy to remove when you need to, but not prone to dislodge easily.

Some will tell you he is a fox, or a rabbit, but they’re wrong. He’s a spider.

The N-gage reminded me of its forgotten, more useful sibling that I had for a year or two: the 3300. MP3s, radio, QWERTY, and even a slow-as-molasses web browser on a teeny tiny color screen.

So, hammocks are right out, then?

Makes the whole “Napoleon of the stump” thing a bit more titillating.

Top men! The best, biglyest, yuuugest men, many people say! Top. Men.

Please tell me there’s a visual round in which teams must identify vehicles as completely as possible from detail shots. Torch has got to be good for a few tricky Beetle entries there.

When posing for the photo at the top of the article, did you pull out volume 42 intentionally?

How does the late Phife Dawg figure into this this?

Thank goodness someone else noticed this. If the internet is good for one thing, it’s revealing who actually knows what common idioms are, and not just what they sound like.

Having an awesome beer named after him? Bannonbrau sounds like it would suck, though.

I do a 1.5 mile commute on my bike here at the northern edge of Austin, year ‘round, in business casual clothes. A lack of infrastructure sounds like the biggest obstacle in your case, though; my commute crosses major bike-hostile roads, but has dedicated lanes most of the way now.

This is true of Americans in general, if not explicitly, then by our silence in the face of it being done in our name during even the most broadly-supported wars. I doubt Clinton voters are any more enthusiastic about it than Trump voters, although they’re almost certainly more aware of it.

I am frankly astonished that the adticle didn’t mention the pareidolia as a feature.

I am frankly astonished that the adticle didn’t mention the pareidolia as a feature.