
Democrat 1940s =/= Democrat 2010s, because over time time party affiliation has noting to do with policy. Reactionary xenophobe 1940s == Reactionary xenophobe 2010s, because humanity’s worst impulses are timeless.


One that requires rounds to be identifiable and traceable back to the purchaser. That would likely reduce the incidence of gleeful, aimless discharge without concern for where the projectile ends up.

Yosemite Sam is a California import, obviously.

Teach the controversy!

You gotta normalize by population: is ranch consumption actually higher per capita in urban census tracts, or are there just more folks there to eat ranch?

This is the exact article I wanted to read, written by the exact person I’d have write it. These are pretty much my very thoughts as I watched the movie. Kudos, Torch.

I use my Time Steel to send canned texts to turn my home security on and off, respond to messages with voice, give me turn-by-turn navigation when I’m on my bike, as a remote shutter release for my cell phone camera, to set quick timers in the kitchen, and on and on. Plus, my wife’s Time Round is forever drawing

I, a white guy, listen to this song each year, in addition to versions by several other artists. However, I must credit my wife - a back lady - for bringing it to our Christmas music collection, and so I may not be a representative data point for that reason. The nature of the hand-shaking mentioned in the lyrics has

If only! Perhaps this is the reason many use zipties instead of traditional cuffs.

That’s amazing stuff; I’m familiar with the OmniPod infusion system, but it doesn’t have a CGM component. As far as I know, it also doesn’t have a development community around it like the ones you mention, although I imagine the protocols for interfacing with a device that can make direct changes to your body

Interesting! How do you use it to manage your blood glucose?

Is that young Ted Cruz?

What does a Martian wear under its kilt?

As the record will show, this has been my position on the issue for years now. If they have any public spirit at all, Hannah-Barbera will donate the sound.

Pebble should acquire this technology; their devices are already very energy-frugal with a pretty robust feature set. Not having to charge it would be an excellent addition.

Also, can I get re-un-greyed?

This is pretty much my platonic ideal pickup: a city-scale bike/home improvement/antique furniture moving tool with no pretenses of towing the Earth or hauling a quarry.

I’d say that “an episode that led to” is accurate. If it said “which was the given reason for,” you’d be on firmer ground.

Ah, a little wrinkle! Luckily, I have a few more inputs still available on my receiver, so an Audio could fit right in there, leaving the Gen 1 for video-only duty.