
That was my second thought about this! It’s a nifty way to keep women out of networking opportunities while making yourself look virtuous instead of like a patriarchal pig. My FIRST thought was what Sobchak Security wrote before I got to it: this sounds like the “conditions” his wife laid out for staying with him

A man 35 years my senior joined my office last year. We were supposed to be co-counsel for a client 5 hours away last summer. We scheduled a trip to visit with the client. I wanted to drive, and he wanted to fly. He comes into my office and proceeds to tell me that we cannot travel together because he made a

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

Also, does he not have any aides that are women? (Probably not) How on earth would they be able to do their job if they could never grab lunch with him in the cafeteria and talk over things?

My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.

So it isn’t the gate agent, but the policy that’s blatantly sexist.

Imagine if this had been mentioned several times in the article you skimmed. Just imagine!

Calling the guy who just demanded the families of his enemies to be murdered a “relative moderate” should really tell you everything you need to know about american politics.

Christ. What the fuck was this writer thinking? “Stripped of his power” is how you describe VICTIMS, not people sulking over missing out on the NFL.

Why? Cuz the world does not center around your special taste in music and tv

OK, you’re clearly enthusiastic and I was going to let this go, but I see you’re ejaculating all over the comments with this spunk so I can’t.


Don’t let them gaslight you! My friend was at a family gathering with her little kids, and her dad got up and his tiny gun fell onto the chair and he didn’t even notice...AT A FUCKING FAMILY BBQ! She will not let him be around her children while armed. It’s a totally legitimate request.

It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)

So much of it just comes down to unconscious bias. People see two resumes (or portfolios, or bodies of work, or whatever) and automatically privilege the white guy’s without even realizing they’re doing it. They honestly believe they’re picking the most qualified candidate; they just don’t realize how much race and

Have you tried just turning your cashews off and then on again?

I was with her through the whole get up at 6:30, have something to drink, and wait for my son to get up part. Well, we do differ somewhat. I skip the mediation part and have coffee instead of tea. And instead of waiting for my son(s) to wake up, I go up (powered by the coffee jolt) and yank their lazy asses out of bed

She’s the only bacon that disappoints.

I enjoy responding to dick pics with a picture of a scientist holding Rasputin’s penis in a glass jar of formaldehyde.