
I can’t remember my cashew PUK code.

Last year my boyfriend and I had been at a midsummer bonfire event with some friends. It was a lovely evening until what we now refer to as The Wrath of Mothra. Out of nowhere a giant moth the size of a (big) man’s thumb came at my boyfriend. He freaked and hit it but it just kept coming at his face. He began running,

Grandma and grandpa looking all dapper.

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Jessica Fletcher is gonna getcha - you'll end up in jail or on a stretcher.

When I was 18 my drunk uncle got me a cheap parmesan cheese for Christmas. And I am allergic to dairy products.

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Biking in heels is way easier than walking in heels, I do it almost every day. Where I live about 40 percent of the daily commute is done by bike. People wear their fashionable work clothes and a lot of women wear heals. Biking is a way of transportation here - not a workout.

I have no kids and yet the book shook me to my core. I started reading it before going to bed thinking I could just read a chapter or two. Instead I finished the book in one session even though I had to get up early in the morning for work. It was perhaps two in the morning when I read the last page and then I

I havn't seen the movie but the book has the most beautiful description of parental love. The father refuses to give up in a world devoid of hope because he loves his son and he will do anything to keep him alive.

Oh, I approve.

A million times yes! I have had a crush on him since I was 13. He's smart, he's funny as hell, and he seems like one of the kindest people to have ever lived. No hyperbole here.

I SO agree. This deserves more than just a hastily written "your evening cry". More people need to read this.

This story is heartbreaking but also enraging. Dasani's story really shows that the whole "you are the architect of your own destiny" thing is utter crap! From the moment she was born the odds were stacked against her. As they were against her mother, stepfather, grandmother etc. It can't and shouldn't be an indiviual

I know right? Adore her. I don't think the video says it, but she's the singer in the duo Quadron. Her voice is amazing.

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I think this video does a great job at being sexy but not sexist. Coco is sexy but she also has sexual agency. You could say that the male dancers are mimicking the traditional female background dancer trope but I really like the interaction between them and Coco. You can tell that they are connecting and having fun.

Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton in a movie by Jim Jarmusch? I will watch the SHIT out of this!

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I was raped when I was 15 and didn't tell anyone until I was 32. My family still doesn't know. But it does help to talk about it, that's all I can tell you. And it does get better with time. Big virtual hugs to you.

She looks gorgeous, but the big hair is definitely some stylist thinking that "if we make her hair big, she will look smaller".

Yes! A thousand times yes. A movie where the fat and (conventionally) unattractive girl gets the hot guy - without a makeover/changing everything about herself. That made a huge impact on me as a teen.