This is so tremendously sad.
This is so tremendously sad.
And THIS is one area (there are a few) where my problem with Jezebel/some Jez commenters and other liberals and social justicers comes in, every.damn.time. I understand that there's a tendency to up-play, I guess one can say (yep, making that word up), the fact that "rape," "misogyny" etc. happen everywhere to…
[citations needed]
...maybe it's the social worker in me, but I can't help but wonder what happened to this man that made him hate women so much. No healthy, happy, self-respecting man OR woman could do this and live with themselves...
Is there a level 0 or perhaps -1, the kind that just mysteriously *goes away*, like when you have to sneeze and then you just don't?
What does "slutting out" over a guy mean? I'd like to learn more about this so I can do it properly the next time I meet a guy I agree with.
You are so much fun!!!!!!!
Gawd, how needy are Cosmo readers that they can't just chill out for the 4 hours that the Super Bowl is on and let their boyfriend just enjoy the fucking game?
Jesus, imagine having less common sense than a guy named Scooter.
My (previously nonexistent) respect for Selena Gomez just skyrocketed.
Eh, I'd say most couples try to eek out one more Christmas if they have kids - who wants to tell Jr that his parents are getting divorced a week before Christmas?
Not to judge a book by the cover (although this book is a gaping asshole, so I'll have at it), but THAT guy is a kindergarten teacher?!?! He looks like the oldest member of a high school math department who's bitter that they've never made him department chair. Kindergarten teachers should radiate warmth, not...scotch…
Seems to me that everyone here elected to exercise their rights. The woman chose to be in a commercial and the theater chose to let her go. Not sure what the heck first amendment rights has to do with her being booted from a play. The right to free speech does not guarantee the right to no consequences.
This case is heartbreaking. And the higher education system is a joke - especially colleges declaring themselves nonprofit institutions. I say that as a former higher ed employee.
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for debt forgiveness, I can tell you I don't have a drop down menu for that. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you set…
We should let 13-year-old girls run things. Can you imagine if lawmakers had to explain some of the shit they're trying to do to women?
I literally hung up the phone from scheduling my annual GYN exam, and then opened my computer and read this story, so..... eeep?