Residue Pi

This game could not be more tense. Van Gaal as usual putting pressure on his own team by playing ultra-defense.

Yes, you know better of course.

Good thing Bill Murray quickly rushed out of his impromptu economics lecture at the Zaghreb university student pub to calm things down.

Saying that Celtic are a cash-cow =/= blaming Celtic.

Maybe you should have mentioned earlier that you struggled with the concept of an analogy? Would have spared me this banal discussion.

What a compelling argument. I don't know what I was thinking.

I once checked out a book that was "return overnight". There was a heavy fine attached to its late return. I was a new student back then and was not even aware of the tag. There was no return-day stamp because it was assumed that you saw the tag, or something. Anyway, When I did give it back, I owed $3,000 in fines.

What gave you the impression that they are blaming Celtic? Was it the massive UEFA logo?

That's harsh. How do you figure?

I am. I've just had the privilege of being yelled at by an author.

Thanks. It's because English isn't my first language. I'm hoping that if you're willing to cut your minorities some slack for their terrible English, you could be kind enough to do the same with me.

Thanks Greg. Hurts coming from you. I still like you though. I'll just take comfort in the fact that every single pundit on earth of any pedigree is agreeing with me right now. But hey, maybe you guys know better.

How is 'strong take' still considered wit? It's barely even snark at this point.

The only strong take here is from you, barely armchair soccer fan who is only involved in the sport if it feeds into your white-guilt agenda.

You're with me blubber.

Did the promised changes take effect? I didn't notice anything new.

Not quite but I lean way in favour of 'yes' than 'no' on this.

Mmmm nothing like biting into a big juicy lemon.

Oh, good. Another insufferable writer.