Residue Pi

If you really were here five years ago, you would know that joking about death is 'elite'-commenter territory. So yes, while your grievance is valid, you need to shut up about 'burners'.

guys I have some bad news tom ley died after he tried to review goat simulator

You mean without them politicians would actually be doing their job? That sounds like win-win to me.

Why are lobbyists even allowed to exist? This job is evil by definition.

Listen, this is really really simple. The argument here is for fairness. Either everyone makes money or no-one makes money. If you're against paying student-athletes, fine. But then you should also be against paying coaches, universities, conferences and NCAA officials. Correct?

I'm sure there's a point in that mess somewhere.

Alright. I guess we disagree then. I value respecting the dead by not parading around a video of their death, and you apparently value your right to be included in the investigation or something? Anyway, good on Deadspin for cashing in on this young man's death with a whopping 4million+ hits. High-fives all around.

That's because Deadspin and all these news outlets are classless. They are supposed to rise above the standards of what normal individuals do. See here for what should have happened. Not a single shot of him at any point once the director realised what was going on.

Darn it. I was hoping for another video where the sanctity of death is absolutely raped for the purpose of hits.

This strikes me as an excessively bad call. Sure it's some random pitch, but no one should ever get it this wrong, right?

Aaaaw DUDE! Just when I thought you were like everyone else, you go all unique and individual on me.

[replied to the wrong post]


Whatever they're paying John Anderson, it's not enough.

Why can't he just be a troll? And how do you keep getting away with calling people racist? Don't you understand the concept of the burden of proof?

Yeah, those figure-hugging England rugby replicas were pretty ill-advised.

Pence Hunter is Britain's worst comic-book villain.