You lose all perspective.
You lose all perspective.
What is it with living in prolonged luxury and decadence from wealth that it gradually turns you into a monster?
better late than never.
I don’t understand Twitch. It’s like someone opened a garbage store, then one day decided, “I can’t have all this trash lying around here!”
I’m going to guess it’s some variation on “being a really shitty person.”
The notion that entire, sentient races are naturally predisposed to certain levels of intelligence, or moral alignments, is baked into the game. That’s not the same as talking about “good and bad sides”.
I think it’s more that it’s kind of irresponsible in general to imply that entire races of people can be “evil,” or “bad,” because of their ancestry or genetics. I think there is absolutely still room to apply the sort of high level morality you’re talking about to factions or larger groups, but this becomes a bit…
I love edf but saying the graphics look “current-gen” is a stretch. Without context you could tell me this was a ps2 game and I’d believe you.
Not surprised at all. EDF has always been a franchise where graphics take a backseat to gameplay (though the former has improved on newer hardware). I always loved hearing the “EDF! EDF!” chants lol
The thing I’ve learned about HR departments is that in most large-ish companies, they are not your friend. The HR department exists to shield the company from liability lawsuits. If there’s a dispute between employees, and especially if it smells like a discrimination dispute, HR’s general response is going to be to…
“We are probably the most advanced culture as far as tolerance and diversity.”
“How can I be racist? I passed up some highly qualified whites to do him the favor of giving him a job. All I ever asked if that he let me abuse him a little in return, and this is the thanks I get?”
“She decided to defend her statement and even had the nerve to Google that analogy to prove why it was okay.”
If you subject yourself to something you know doesn’t respect you its harder for me to have sympathy, especially when the only time you choose to comment about it is after you’ve stopped being paid.
I repeat, nearly every major company is housing racists.
how do you think people pay rent..????
If you subject yourself to something you know doesn’t respect you its harder for me to have sympathy.
Thank you Ian for reporting on this story and bringing it to a wider audience..
Not everybody has the luxury of just quitting their job. Do…do you somehow not know that?
The difference being that MoviePass was awesome for consumers while it lasted. I don’t think anyone is going to miss Mixer.
Not exactly shocking. Own3d was a dud. Youtube Gaming was a dud. Facebook gaming seems a dud. Small company, big company, it doesn’t matter. Twitch did monetization well enough early enough that they became synonymous with game streaming. The fact that game streaming has been, for all intents and purposes, the only…