
Given the general reactions I’ve seen around the net the last 24 hours, I don’t think that’s the case this time. I also don’t think it’s purely homophobes or gamergaters either. The first game resonated emotionally with a lot of people and it’s hard to watch characters you grew to love outright suffering.

Imagine how sad one’s life must be to review-bomb some game on Metacritic, esp. over some perceived “SJW”-ness or something.

On a side note, I’m particularly annoyed that they lied about not having to kill any dogs except by choice. They intentionally made a misery simulator; why lie about that little detail? The misleading marketing is really baffling to me.

I cancelled my pre-order after I read the Kotaku and Polygon reviews. They confirmed for me that the leaks were true (which was already obvious of course) and that “context” was only going to make the over the top brutality even more pointless. Thank you guys for actually taking a critical look at the game.

The issue there though, especially more in the US it seems, is that “The Left” is considered overlapped onto “Progressive” which isn’t the case. I’ve met too many people who are economically left-wing but in terms of social policy are severely lacking or rather conservative.

I admit I haven’t delved deep into TERF-world but I do know women who are to the left politically and definitely identify as feminists, who don’t have an issue with trans identity, are in favour of full rights for trans people, don’t use any of those code words. They just think feminism is for cis women and trans

“Instead, point out how boring it is to think people should be punished if they don’t conform. How tedious it is to think that the contours of your own thought enclose all that is worth knowing. How embarrassing it is to be cruel.”

He strikes me as one of those guys who will race to the parking space closest to the store if he sees another car.

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

This was one of the best calls I’ve heard. So glad I got to hear more about this hero! I almost felt sorry for them getting the aggressive calls. But then I remembered the 600 people killed without accountability and now trying to re-enact 1960s Selma, Alabama.  

I love Teferi as a character, I just really wish his cards weren’t generally unfun to play against.

That said, the new Teferi, while being strong may not actually be broken. Plus that art is bonkers. I want a borderless version of it stat.

oh for sure it’s a coincidence. still worth knowing how they feel with having a black man be the face right now with *everything* going on. Not one but TWO Teferis to potentially contend against? I need my smelling salts.

The fact the nword wasn’t filtered before now is pretty baffling.

I don’t post too often, but definitely had to come down here and say thank you for posting about this.

Before anyone screeches out that ALL LIVES MATTER, I’ll simply point out that it’s not about all lives. It’s about Black Lives that have yet to have any degree of equality to white people. When was the last time a white person, pulled over for a routine traffic stop felt that this was the night they might die? Until a

Agreed 100%.

There cannot be peace for all until there is first justice for all. Thank you.

Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”.  Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions.  Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.

I feel like the hero shooter genre has reached the over-saturated point and the destiny of majority of any newcomers is not gonna be very noteworthy.

I’m bet the team worked hard on it, but there’s no way they aren’t aware of that. So it must be a little demoralizing to work on stuff meant to be monetize trends.

Yeah, this is literally the only time I’ve seen anyone even talk about it since the it was first announced.