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    Hey at least Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is great.

    For what it’s worth: The questline between ARR & HW is absolutely worth all the work, and it is often cited as the main thing that makes players go from being “eh this is okay” to “holy shit I’m hooked”. Will be excited to see your reactions to it when you finish.



    I’m happy to support Nathan, that’s pretty much the only nice thing I have to say.

    Man as a fan of the old school Paper Marios (like everyone else) this is a big bummer to see.

    Homie it’s the first trailer, at least temper those negative vibes for some game-play in more detail.

    I’m so hype man, I love Paper Mario <3

    I mean I knew this was coming but this still hurts. You’ve written some *quality* pieces over the years Heather, going to miss you :(

    Saing goodbye to one of the greats. o7

    Where did you check to see that? Just curious.

    I already miss you. Thanks for some *fantastic* games journalism over the years. I hope things go well for you at your future gig and good luck with the podcast!

    Worth noting that Obsidian made that gem.

    It’s a nice write-up <3

    Thanks for the summary Ethan.

    I’d say more about the game but, “if you can’t say anything nice...”

    While your reply is a bit more flippant I’ll still give it the same genuine response :P

    I mean yea, this is an entirely fair counter-point, but I can make a simple risk assessment and say this game isn’t worth the offset in security.

    My GPU isn’t exactly optional.

    Memes aside:
    There’s a very actionable response to an individual company taking a singular action in comparison to say, trying to argue against the entire NSA.

    (Hi Jim, how’s the kids. Thanks for checking in every day.)

    I’m with you that people should take privacy more seriously, and plenty of folks made a fair

    I get what they’re going for, and I respect the development mindset of as little intrusivity as possible, but having it be that integral into my PC is a non-starter for me. Just not willing to let an external program have that much access, even if it isn’t talking to the net 24/7. Could increase my vulnerability to a
