
This. I cancelled my physical copy because I saw it might not make it in time. With some many places shipping it out the digital version should release.

You’re safe to keep reading tbh

Thanks Schreier. I usually tend to watch these.

Bad enough with everyone tossing about stuff from the early physical release when I bought Digital SPECIFICALLY to be able to play during quarantine. Didn’t think I’d be able to go pick up a physical copy.

But can Square release it early on PSN Store? Noooooooooo

Saw it, can confirm. Especially that part where Aerith looks directly into the camera and tells you how to revive her in the original game - I kinda wish I had seen that in the context of the actual story.

So you need to think a bit more on it. On the surface, if the only thing it said on there was 8 mana 8/8 deathtouch its not great.

It’s fine for an uncommon. Plus, 3 mana to draw a card and permanently give a creature deathtouch is nice when you don’t have the 8 mana.

Tiger and Bunny Returns.

I feel really bad for all the people at Naughty Dog who probably crunched super hard to try and meet their delayed launch date only for it to be delayed again.

I don’t get the math here at all. So the game was more expensive, which would ostensibly affect the profits and require more money to go to the company. But part of the expense (?) on the company side (?) would have been the $12 million to Randy Pitchford, right? Would that $12 million still have been there on the

Ooooh can’t wait for the next Jimquisition.

Not a day goes by when I’m not entirely relieved I gave up on trying to be a game developer.

What, Gearbox and its CEO are complete dirtbags? EVERYONE TAKE IN THIS SHOCKING REVELATION


Based on personal experience, I’m going to wager they are very close to going public. Because this looks a lot like the “Fuck everyone who got us here, it’s time for the owners to get PAID” phase that typically precedes it.

I think they’re trying to thin out the veterans so they can invest in cheap, unexperienced labor. Isn't that a favorite pastime of the video game industry?

The bonus did exist, according to two people with knowledge of what happened, but it came out of the company’s 60%, not the 40% of profits that were meant to go to employees.

But it’s not capitalism that’s a problem. It’s that people aren’t capitalisming nicely, right? Or somehow this is “crony” capitalism (which, incidentally, is just regular capitalism) or a few bad eggs or something. Actually, I forgot. It’s the pirates who are taking food from the mouths of hard-working developers. No

Good to know that in these uncertain times some things remain constant. The sun will rise in the morning, the Earth will still turn, Randy Pitchford will always be one of the most toxic people in the industry. 

When I realized that it was April Fool’s Day today, like probably many others, I thought that hopefully everyone will have the good sense of not making COVID-19 pranks.

The person holding a gun to your head and making you read all of these isn’t practicing good social distancing. So, until they figure it out, you’ll have to keep reading.