
It’s not all about looks.

First decade they haven’t been in the World Series since the 1910s.....since WWI era baseball. Remarkable.

Poor dude's only seen 27 championships.

Its weird to see fans not cause interference on that play tbh 

Nobody stays alive to keep watching the winningest team ever keep winning, I call bullshit. Your grandfather is alive just to cheer against that immigrant Altuve, i bet 

Along with everyone here, in my opinion, this is THE best horror movie of all time. It truly captures horror to it’s tee and the realistic reactions from the cast sold me on it. What truly stood out to me was that, the alien, by the end of the film, was alien...literally. It never had a true form, it motives

Unfortunately, he’s gonna get traded to another marriage next season for a late-round draft pick.

And none of what that clown says is remotely true. And again...for those in the back. Freedom of speech is freedom from government intervention and prosecution for protected speech (and not all speech is protected). Getting fired for exercising speech does not fall under any auspices of the First Amendment. This shit

Someone nonchalantly asks “Is he dead?”

Would have never guessed he would come up short.  Wide right maybe,  but not short. 

I dont think ive heard heard a more helpful answer from an athlete in the history of sports. he has a future as a tv analyst

Call the cops on your Fox News-brainwashed relatives and try to get their guns taken away next time they start ranting about shooting immigrants on sight. 

“Y’all Qaeda”

As soon as the hot water and internet goes out everyone will immediately abandoned their desire for glorious violent upheaval.

Everyone who doesn’t want to watch this movie (and I’m in that group) should instead go watch Phoenix in You Were Never Really Here, where his work is quiet, understated, and absolutely spectacular. That film, which appears to be about a hit man doing a particular job but which is actually an exploration of trauma,

‘Boss’ for me is always from a Persian cabbie taking me to LaGuardia.

Jesus Christ, don’t call people “boss.” It reveals you as a person who isn’t clever enough to be manipulative in a subtle manner.

The only person I knew who went to Harvard was a world class asshole whose step father got him in. Not Jared Kushner, but close enough. I went to Rutgers, where we say, “Rutgers is the school for people with brains & no money, and Princeton is the school for people with money & no brains.” Ironically all the people I

I anxiously await more of your links of encased knowledge