
Interesting (and accurate) typo.

There aren’t going to be any wheels of justice turning, because she’s chosen to file a civil suit instead of involving the police. Unless one’s definition of justice is a months-long protacted negotiation between two sets of very well-paid lawyers discussing what amount between $1M and $2M of Antonio Brown’s money

He went to get a second opinion and the specialist told him “no means no.”

I haven’t been this distraught since Pol Pot died.

The October 28th game will determine next year’s draft.

Hold my prune juice, Junior. DOB 1963. Plus Ric Ocasek and Eddie Money died in the last week. Fuck.

Hahahahahaha. 46?! What a rusty old fart. That broken down grandpa is older than dirt.

Undoubtedly. He’s the greatest kicker to have ever played in the NFL. If he’s not put in at the first chance it will be a damn travesty. 

Yes, I’d say so. In terms of role and performance, he’s basically the Mariano Rivera of the NFL, who sailed in to his HOF unanimously.

Is Vinatieri the first kicker who is absolutely, for sure a bonafide first ballot Hall of Famer? There’s a part of me that goes “the NFL HOF voting braintrust will find some reason to not want a kicker to get in the first time he’s eligible”...but he’s Adam fuckin’ Vinatieri. This is as close to a slam dunk first

Not great when you haven’t played your Week 2 game yet and Deadspin already has the cover image for next season’s WYTS

I know what you said are technically names and words, but just a heads up, none of it makes sense. 

He needs...a bodyguard

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

Gee, it’s almost like a lot of people in their late 70’s often suffer from a decline in their mental faculties which causes them to sound confused and forgetful and makes them poor candidates for almost any job where mental sharpness is a major factor.

Now playing

It’s quite possibly the best song ever written about McDonald’s.

I was just thinking along the same lines. DeNiro is kinda of scary. Phoenix was worried if he had a tantrum, DeNiro would have gone Goodfellas on his ass.

Five bucks says the Patriots knew about this. Five more says the Raiders didn't.

So rather than genuine personality conflict, it sounds like the dispute between Antonio Brown and Ben Roethlisberger was more of a “Tastes Great / Less Filling” type of problem.

The electorate gave the Dems the House to both oppose Trump’s agenda and expose his corruption, and yet somehow they are completely reluctant to do either.