
It works for the BBC.

Every RTJ release has a predominant color; the first was black, then red, then blue, now magenta. It ties into the overall theme of the album.

In slo-mo is seems as though his hands hit the ground first and then his head slides under the table in the softer ground. I bet he sustained a basilar skull fracture when his jaw hit the ground or he hyper-extended his neck and got a cervical spine fracture.

So is your debauchery all tax deductible since it was work related? Asking for a friend.

I hope that rat bastard strokes out from the stress of investigation

No eye protection while pouring graphite dust? Welcome to corneal keratosis...

You left out the part where he snagged Paulina Porizkova as a wife.

Joey Ramone wrote a song for her; did they play that?

One doesn’t “choke on their vomit” while intoxicated. They aspirate their vomit in the throes of intoxication as they are already dying of their overdose.

She wasn’t polling good enough, raising money fast enough and doggone it, next to nobody liked her.

Any idea who that officer is? He needs to be identified and mocked relentlessly.

His “alphabet people” riff was pretty brilliant though.

Kapernick could do it. Why don’t they call him?

Andrew Luck means you got some juicy stuff to punch up your next WYTS: Colts edition.

This man was murdered by the state.

I agree with 99.999% of everything except that Rakim is the greatest rapper ever.

Jay-Z came up selling crack. Why are you expecting him to be a moral exemplar now??


At what point should one add cheese? Early on or just before folding?

Was Abe’s father a kamikaze that survived? That’s beyond shameful.