
A knitting circle broke out at the one I attended. And we’re Patriots fans. 

“National Autonomy” is just coded language for “No more free movement of Eastern Europeans to take our jerbs”.

This is the start of a much better way to get rid of a rogue executive than the American Impeachment process.

Fun Fact: in the halftime show, Big Boi rode a Cadillac down the field for more yards than the Rams had in the entire first half.

I mean, I’m guessing most of us have read Kitchen Confidential, so we know that even in “better” restaurants #2 is going to win out.

These comments are so good, they’ve made this grown man cry.

This put a smile on my face ten miles wide.

Is the cherry pie actually famous

Barkevious Mingo will always be my favorite Star Wars character. 

The trailer for the Mask prequel is way more intense than I had imagined. 

Thanks for commenting, Mr. President!

This should be the dream. Play in college, get drafted, get a nice contract, and then never have to actually play a single punishing down of game speed NFL football. He still made a very solid 20 years worth of normal income

Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England

Having the wrong people laugh at his comedy for the wrong reasons is a perpetual problem for Chappelle, but this time the blame is on him.

It's NBA. You can score in your own basket

To claim that MTV wasn’t a cultural cornerstone for Children of the 80's is ignorance. Yeah not everyone had it (my cable company didnt have the station for several years after launch), but yeah - you’re still wrong here.

Everyone here is just one job change/neighborhood move/divorce away from losing their entire friend group.

If you cannot remember the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re,’ then we can’t keep you out of the grays*. And if we can’t keep you out of the grays, then we can’t have you on Deadspin!”

It’s a rare talent that can turn writing into a contact sport.

I can’t believe it took me until the very last episode of the season to realize that’s where they were going with that joke. It’s so obvious in hindsight that Sex Robot was a sexual predator executive in plain sight that nobody notices. At first I just thought it was the basic idiot executive joke.