
Except that Kavanaugh is less fun to watch and looks like a pile of mashed potatoes that have skin pieces left in.

If a couple is worried about saving money, then just elope and have your reception at a goddamn Chilis.  

you figured he would’ve switched to red red wine for that one

Leave it to a very, very small-brained hater and loser Dem to quote the fat guy from Swingers when the post was about the creator of Beavis and Butthead.

This is exactly what I was saying to the #shehastoEARNmyvote crowd.

Because a large portion of the voting populous is just as, if not more, stupid. And fucking dumb as he may be, and as much as I hate him, he’s been a somewhat successful con-man, targeting specifically those same people, over the last number of decades.

Papa’s shop is his life, and he won’t take blood money, and he’s too proud to run.

Oh, it turns out the doctor was his mother, and the reason she couldn’t operate was she had puked and pissed on herself.

At what time does he assault an immigrant?

At the last minute, they’ll change destination to Belize.

Papa don’t preach - Nacho’s in trouble, deep

I want to believe...

Oh Marijuanna

I’d say it became clear when this buffoon, who had taken steaming shits on every single major Republican power player, had them all telling him how damn tasty his shit was after he won.

Really? They own three branches of government and dominate state legislatures and governorships.  They are doing a heckuva job at “beating themselves.”

I’m allergic to penicillin.

Why would you cut it out? It’s penicillin.

Heathcliff Huxtable being a “gynecologist” with his “office” in the basement of his home should have tipped us off that he had a sex dungeon that whole fucking time too.

Saying “I Don’t need to say ‘I told you so,’” is the biggest told you so of all.