And Megadeth won their award to the strains of "Master of Puppets" in the background. Bad day for metal. SAD!
And Megadeth won their award to the strains of "Master of Puppets" in the background. Bad day for metal. SAD!
I hope Rousey donates her brain to Dr. Omalu.
I'm tired of how closely they hew to the comics because nothing will surprise me. I audibly groaned when I saw you-know-who's boots at the end of the bayou looting scene and his approach to Alexandria.
Hearthstone; off to acquire more Gadgetzan cards…
They should have gone ahead with Hillary winning and taking the arc from there. They didn't have to hew so close to reality and get thrown off course.
They know the secret behind the green pool water
It’s probably more about self-preservation of himself and his family. A lot of folks back home wouldn’t be to keen on him if he shook hands with an Israeli.
Is buying these cards really necessary to play the game? Why not just print your own based on the readily available images that clutter the web? It’s not hard to counterfeit drivers’ licenses, fugazi Magic cards ought to be a breeze.
#4: Poking self in face with sharp fingernails due to inattention
Depends on the speed; beyond 25mph, the helmet just keeps your brains from staining the asphalt.
Is that Dr. Beverly Crusher from ST:TNG?
Another cause is when you travel to a land where they don’t have toilets and your only option is to squat over a hole in the ground. To make things worse, toilet paper is considered science fiction...
I lot of the symptoms of alcoholism/drug abuse can mimic traumatic brain damage; that is one of the holes in the whole CTE hypothesis.
I bet a lot of the same people who celebrate Cosby’s travails would still sever a gonad to appear in a Woody Allen movie or a Roman Polanski film...
December 2016: President-Elect
As long as he can eat chicken parm, he’ll be OK.
So is that reporter getting the $100?
I bet it was like that afterschool special when Helen Hunt takes Angel Dust and leaps out of the window.
That’s exactly what I want to avoid.
Let’s say I get a beer and leave a 20, would that be good or fall under ridiculous? It seems a bit pricey but I’d be willing to do that to grease the wheels.