
televisions are entertainment devices and everything that comes out of them should be treated as entertainment

It’ll trickle down!

The problem is that local news is often even worse. Do some reading about Sinclair if you’re not familiar with them. 

Everyday I’m baffled that there are millions of people who think watching cable news means they are mature, serious adults worried about the world.

Liberal media!!!

It’s not even entertainment. It’s propaganda. Just a bunch of centrist and neocon shills ignoring the issues and topics people really want to hear about. 

If the intent of the original framers of the Constitution still held sway Clarence Thomas would still be livestock.

which is a hilarious thing from the dude who created the Terminator to say

I mean, trucks at fault, no question. But bro... look before you turn...ALWAYS.

Ronan: I would buy that for a space dollar.

I have a truly serious concern, just thought of it: they’re using Gunn’s script, and that’s great, but had he picked the soundtrack songs yet???

So, what you’re saying basically is that if an automatic Miata is worth more than $14,000 or less than $14,000 it’s just not gonna be recalled.

I think there’s a reason why it’s hard to buy your way into the music industry. Not because there’s a lack of executives with children who want to be famous, but because music industry executives do everything they can to avoid being in a room with someone who can afford their own lawyer.

Now playing

Left Eye broke it down for artists years ago. Behind the Music should be required viewing for anyone trying to make it in the music industry.

would’ve originally ended with boring CG villain Steppenwolf getting his butt beat by the good guys and then being transported back to his home planet.

Damn Marvel, you messed up firing James.

I hope they replace him with Karl Urban.

And Lisa Ann.