
Dear World,

I apologize to the rest of the planet that we elected Donald Trump our president.

Uncle Milty.

Everyone in the DCCC thinking about the rise of the progressives:

Hate the dark skinned, spoil the redneck.

The additions are going to be an alien that only Lecy Goranson can see, a flamboyant talking Trans-Am, and Mr. T.

SF is like a supercar - beautiful to look at and fun to experience, but crushingly expensive to maintain (live in) and not actually nice to use in day-to-day life.

San Francisco is two things:

sounds Russian

Sacha: sounds Russian-y

Hank is probably looking for a certain sports almanac. 

Her response was a mild rebuke at best.

The real question is, “Do Flerkins enjoy the taste of space raccoons?”.

I’m rooting for a Tony Shalhoub/Missy Crider Galaxy Quest reference


Black Panther... But I guess Panthers are just a melanistic color variant of both jaguars and leopards which are still cats.

I’m not surprised Captain Marvel is doing well, the secret ingredient’s good.

I was hoping coins would spill out of my monitor when I saw that.