
When do tix go on sale?!?!?!?!?!?

I vowed when Cheeto was elected to treat him with the same respect Obama was treated by the fuckholes who support Cheeto.

Kinda looks like a Corvette with shite side mirrors. Ferrari ruins beautiful cars with shite side mirrors. I would still take one if someone gave me one, just sayin’...

This won’t change shit. Cheeto will remain in power, the media will bend over backwards to practice the shit out of both siderism, and Fox News will spin the “NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION”till Nunes’ cow comes home.

Just the DCCC showing it’s true colors again. 


Yeah, Rush Limbaugh sure went away when his sponsors fled. These fuckholes have wingnut welfare! They will remain on the air until they draw their last breath.

SDNY is prosecuting this. Hmmmm, who else are they looking at? They also seem to be really good at what they do. SDNY may save the US after Cheeto retires or loses the next election, which I doubt he would if he ran. Media in the USA sure loves those sweet, sweet advertising dollars!!

Yeah, try working for a Canadian ex-pat. That’s all he can talk about is the wait for care where he is from. Granted, he is a millionaire so he doesn’t have to wait for care in the US, like us little people. He’s a nice guy, but his politics are way out of touch.

Nah, Ted Cruz is Andy Kaufman. Ever see them in the same room?

ISIS was created thanks to the idiots in the Bush wrecking crew disbanding the Iraqi military. The disbanding led to Al Quada (probably misspelled) which led to ISIS.

Thank you for mentioning that his adult son is a fucking animal torturer. That whole family is sick. And if there really is a hell, you sure as HELL know that Sarah, Mike and the rest of these fucksacks will be driving the bus!

I was eating at a Tb about 12 years ago with a co-worker. She got a phone call that her daughter had just tried to kill herself. My co-worker immediately burst into tears. Not 30 seconds later the manager came up and asked if she could help in any way and gave her a hug. It was an amazing display of humanity from

The dumbest thing Cheeto ever did was get elected president* He most likely won’t be impeached, but he sure as hell will spend the rest of his life outside the WH in prison somewhere in NY, due to the increased scrutiny of his criminal empire

She’ll get off on some fucking technicality. Hell, cops can shoot 12 year olds and keep their fucking jobs!! I know someone who is a cop, and he justified the Rodney King beatings by saying if only Rodney had stayed still, the assholes beating him would’ve stopped?!?!  

How about being simple and not making SCOTUS seats a lifetime appointment? 10 year term, with the option for another 10 year term. Same with federal judges. No option for a 3rd term.

That’s Fox/Marvel so it doesn’t count. I did always love that scene though!

Didn’t like her as a VJ, and sure as hell don’t like her now. 

I like Warren or Harris. But it is still 18 months away! 

Is she paying her interns yet? Or is she too busy running for president?