
It’s a shame, really. I was really hoping for an Affleck-lead stand-alone Batman movie, especially if they focus on Batman the detective. I personally feel Ben was simply not given much to work with but would have been great with better writing. 

I loved this show. It felt like she really loved the food. And the portions could be normal man vs food

Almost the most perfect Caprice.

and a young Danielle Pannabaker pre-The Flash .

I think it was that throw to Gronk down the sideline where he noted, “If the safety steps up, he’s going to Gronk one-on-one.” I immediately was staring at that safety, saw him step up, and I was like, “Here it comes.”

I would say whatever I thought the previous owner wanted to hear.

I need to do my entire spice cabinet — there’s cardamom pods in there that moved in when I did, 5 years ago, and the cabinet itself is anchored to a wall with a steam pipe behind it, so it gets really hot in there. (Obviously I also need to rearrange my cabinets entirely so any new spices don’t go into the hot zone.)

John didn’t have to go on a murder spree over a dog

My bet is that it’s Putin instructing Trump to blackmail Graham

Fifth Gear: Free Carlos

Oh man, yeah, I love Woody and was delighted to see him during the credits. 

I realize this wouldn’t actually happen but can you imagine if every media organization besides Fox News just stopped reporting on him? More than anything he can’t handle not being the center of attention. His brain would break (more than the dementia already has.)

look forward to the libertarian wing of the party to come out strongly against the idea of emin-- ah hahahaha I can’t even finish it.

Wild how we always have enough money to buy some bombs and jets and arm our allies, but as soon as the notion of providing our people with health care or a greener planet comes up, we’re broke.

Rachel Bloom? Since you didn’t specify, my agent says I legally get my choice of Blooms.

Why are vegans always culturally appropriating words from meat culture like “sausage” and “burger”? You don’t get to use those words! They belong to us! Haven’t our people suffered enough?

Don’t forget a cancellation date of January 19th.

Seriously. It was 4 hours of TV stretched into 13 episodes. I haven’t had an issue with Netflix show length like others have....except for this.

I'm going to Bovine University!