
Damn that was a great movie! By Grapthar’s hammer!

I believe so. I wonder what is the lifespan of a Flerkin?

Way to ruin it for everyone!

Plus it has 100% more cat than other Marvel movies!

Not as far as I know. But I did experience a lot of blackouts in the late 90's/early aughts. I left the letter “e” off the last name as I was 15 and an idiot.

Who the hell is this? Another reality weirdo? Vaccinate your fucking kids moron, or move away to a country with polio, measles, and the other goodies we shouldn’t have to deal with. Fucking selfish assholes.

Fun fact. I was Ian MacKaye in my HS yearbook. I just spelled his last name wrong. 

Can’t someone just punch this fucker in the face once a day until he goes away? I got $5 on it.

Thank you for this. My tiny brain forgot the Stark found it. Too many movies to keep track of!

What, no Simpsons Monorail memes?

Any fucking yahoo that thought burying fiber 2" deep would work is a fucking moron. Shit, anyone with a 6th grade education would have realized it wouldn’t work.

Iz r country learning?

Stark is a Skrull in the trailer. Same with Nebula.

I think it is the use of the word “schway” that gets me. Damn Batman Beyond!!

Nora is the worst. I really hope her arc ends soon. Or give her writing that makes her more competent.

One word...GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!

I can attest, having worked at Hell Fargo for 2 years, that they pushed employees to break rules, but pretended that they knew nothing. Why is anyone surprised? I’m sure BofA will be next. And the next one. And the next one.

Her lack of education is pretty apparent in her Instagram posts. LITERALLY!

And here I thought Lori was one of the good ones. The rich should be glad us “little people” have laws to follow. Otherwise people like this would be dragged through the streets. Same goes with DJT and the rest of the sociopaths occupying the WH.

Thanks! Didn’t know that. I thought it tanked. Wife and I have no desire to see it. Even with 100% more Goldblum than the first one.

The Perlman costume is 1000% better, that’s for sure! I haven’t read any of the HB comics, but I do know they are a hell of a lot darker than the Del Toro movies.