
Hey you fucking losers! Don’t you realize that socialism is only for rich people? You didn’t earn it like they did (inheritance) You’re just some lazy bum working 50-70 hours a week at your job (or in some cases, 3) Why don’t you just get a small $1,000,000 loan from your dad?

I forgot about that one. I don’t have kids so those kinds of movies slip by. I am glad that Chris “Jeebus” Pratt had a 2nd flop (Jurrasic Park 2 flopped, didn’t it?) Maybe now he can go back to farming and fucking Arnold’s daughter.

Gottta say that Hansel & Gretel is one of my favorite “bad/good” movies ever. I Frankenstein was pretty forgettable. But Hellboy looks fucking terrible!!!

Good points! I really like the actor who plays Hellboy so I do hope I’m wrong. 

SOOOOO much liberal bias in the media that James Gunn lost his job for bad “tweets” yet this idiot keeps his job for saying much worse. Then again, we have a fucking con-man for president* so I guess this makes sense. 

I just can’t get into the new Hellboy. My thoughts are this will be the first major flop of 2019. Cheesy dialogue, bad costume, bad CGI, the list goes on and on.

Cheeto has to have something on her. It couldn’t be worse than her brother torturing dogs, could it? The whole family is fucking sick. If this is “real” America, keep me the fuck away from it.

I really, really hope King Shark is in this. I love seeing him on The Flash, but I would die to see him with movie-level CGI. 

I do understand how it works. You’re speaking for people that you do not know.

I re-read your post, and you are jumping to conclusions. Just because you feel that Democrats hate Muslims as much as Republicans or Cheeto doesn’t make it true. You must be new to politics.

I posted this elsewhere...if she had a different last name, she would be a cashier at Hobby Lobby.

I’ve been telling people that I’m going to see a cat movie Saturday with some superheroes in it. I can’t wait for the kitteh!!! Oh yeah, something something Captain Marvel...

Being the purity police will get you nowhere. Politics is about compromise. Being rigid = a closed mind = Republican.

This will be forgotten in about a week. Thankfully we have a fucking moron as our president* to keep the media distracted by shiny things, like his fucking Twitter.

Gotta do some name dropping of rich, worthless Lieberman to make her point. She truly is the poster child of nepotism hires. If she had a different last name, she would be a cashier at Hobby Lobby.

I swear this fucker will be re-elected. Unless he goes to jail or resigns, he’ll be back for another 4 years. And you own that thanks to our lovely media being afraid of losing “access” by doing, you know, ACTUAL REPORTING!!

You made me think of Office Space with that comment. 

How the fuck is this being reported on, and he still has a fucking phone? Must be a for-profit prison, where everyone is over-worked and WAY under-paid. 

They (Cheeto lovin’ SOBs) really don’t understand democracy and just want a fucking king. This picture is a perfect fucking example. They (Cheeto lovin’ SOBs) also think government should be run like a business, which lends more credence to my theory.

The right claim to cherish freedumb, but sure don’t actually want

Each one gets worse. First Class was entertaining, but the rest of these new X-Men movies are sucky. This one looks to be as good as Hellboy’s new “movie”