
Agreed. Thankfully my local news isn’t owned by Sinclair (yet)

Fuck yeah Nick! Make those lawyers yacht payments!

I’m happy to hear the cat is fucking awesome, as all cats are fucking awesome.

Example 999,999,999,999 to stay the FUCK away from cable “news.” IT IS NOT FUCKING NEWS!!! IT IS ENTERTAINMENT!! FUCK!!!

Cable news is destroying real journalism. When will people learn?

Go worship Schultz, or another putz that got rich off the backs of hard-working people.

Welcome to the new U.S.S.R, formerly known as the USA.

Yeah, that is what I said.
Don’t you know what happens when you assume?

Shazam looks like it will best Aquaman at the box office. I actually liked Bats V Supes more than Aquaman, but not by much. Mainly due to the brutal Batman fight after “Martha!!!”

Didn’t this guy help introduce crack into LA in the 80's, along with the CIA? Asking for a friend.

Elway wants QBs that look and act like he did in the final 2 seasons of his career. Look at Manning! What a shit end to a great career.

This one had a lot of build-up, but the trailers haven’t really gotten me. I’m basically going to see Goose in action, and for the mid-credits/post credit scenes. I hope Larson surprises me, as she seems pretty wooden in the trailers. 

This and public campaign financing will move us forward. Stop worshiping rich people!

Just watch. Since our media doesn’t want to exercise their 1st Amendment rights for fear of losing “access” this shithead will be re-elected. With a majority of the electoral college votes, just like the last time. We live in a stupid country.

I love it when Bucky picks Rocket up and spins around, both killing hella bad guys! Luv me some Rocket!

We have a thing called science, which replaces religion as we can now explain all the shit they couldn’t 2-3000 years ago. Religion is mostly used these days to be a shitty person Monday - Saturday, then absolve your shitty self of all your shitty sins on Sunday. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I know it is cliche, but prove God

GOTG2 had, IMHO, a way better soundtrack, but a much weaker story. But goddamn, that soundtrack rules!

FB was easy peasy...Instagram not so much. Twitter never interested me as I find it a platform for narcissism and hate. 

This is why we had progressive taxation, until Cowboy Ronnie came to town.

Knowledge in the recording industry = no $$ for you!
Hell, with the internet, you don’t even need a record company. Play shows, post on YouTube, Instagram and tour like there is no tomorrow. I have friends that make a great living with their own label and are not beholden to some asshole label guy from LA.

Agreed. From what I’ve heard about TS’s parents, they are not the nicest people, but they protected their daughter and helped her get paid what she deserves.