
She’s like a female Paul Ryan. Everyone thinks she is smart, but she is not. If her name wasn’t Trump, we’d see her on America’s Next Top Model. Sent home Week 3.

The music industry is the payday loan industry’s evil father. Advances = perpetual poverty. 

Goodfellas & Jaws.

Why is religion still a thing? Besides avoiding taxes. We have something called science now. I’m pretty simple. Show me proof that your “god” exists and I’ll be first in line tithing.

Me too! My manager was such a shitty little weasel that he had his assistant manager write me up for a belt loop I had broken while on shift. And I had a bit of white on my shoes, which was added to the write up. Needless to say, I was gone shortly after that. 2+ years down the drain. Fuck them and their very

It’s a loop of KFC & McDonald’s orders he’s had over the last year.

I tried many different ways to post an Urkel meme. The stoopid is strong with me!

Her sister in law is funnier than her. Amy is terrible.


Are these assholes going to have to start shooting people for anyone to stop using their platform? They DO. NOT. GIVE. A. FUCK about laws, fines, etc. Fines are a cost of doing business.

Just put the kid from Gotham in the fucking movie. Problem solved. 

I read all 1163 pages of it numerous times whilst on in-school suspension. Loved the book, but the mini-series was pretty dumb. I would love this to be a trilogy, along the lines of LOTR. If people can sit through 3 hours of that shit, with a well written screenplay, The Stand would be amazing. The subject matter is

Nader, even though he isn’t a plutocrat, is a great example. He helped give us Shrub, the now 2nd worst president in history. 

Keep Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and Diablo with the same actors. Harley Quinn is fucking perfect! The rest can kick rocks. Gunn should be tasked with the soundtrack as well. Great taste in music!

That is how democracy works. KY keeps voting against their interests, and you live there, so welcome to the lump! Move somewhere else if you don’t like it. 

If you have to bend over backwards to keep people from voting in order to retain power, you really need to look long and hard at your belief system.

I don’t like her. In fact, after this last fiasco, I wouldn’t vote for anyone from NY to save my life. She doesn’t even pay her fucking interns!

KY elects shitheads like him, Rand “Got my ass kicked for being an asshole” Paul & Mitch the Turtle, so fuck ‘em. No more empathy for idiots that vote against their best interests. If you want to “own the libs” deal with the fucking consequences.

When I cancelled my FB and asked for my data, the fuckers had pictures I took years before I had a fucking smartphone.

I cancelled FB about 6-8 months ago and haven’t looked back. With this shit, I believe Instagram is next. I love looking at the pics my friends take, along with other cool shit, but enough is enough! I hate people so guess it’s time to cancel.