
Let’s listen to rich people speculate about other rich people. Cable “news” is making our country dumber. QUIT WATCHING THIS SHIT!

Try giving a pill to a 22 pound Maine Coon and see how that ends. Only took me a year for him to get used to it, and I lost a significant amount of blood doing it. 9 years later it’s easy peasy.

Fuck this fucking asshat. He doesn’t know shit, just like the rest of his ilk. Fuckheads like this & Bernie are how we end up with a shitty person as our president*

His face is a hate crime!

My grandpa had the exact color and year as this one. I drove it when I first got my license. I was driving a 79 Dodge Colt, and this thing scared the shit out of me. I thought I was going to side swipe every car on the right hand side as this thing is fucking WIDEEEEEEEE!!! 

I loved $40 a day, where she traveled to all sorts of places and could only spend $40 for a days worth of eats.

Me too! Kids these dayz are sooo spoiled. We only had 3 different types of Crappachino as well. Late 90's were a wonderful time...

For someone who is soooooo religious, she sure does lie a lot. Isn’t that against something called a commandment? Isn’t there, like, 10 of them n stuff?
Her and her shitty old man, along with her animal torturing brother, will be burning in whatever Hell they believe in.

I miss the days when they called drinks to the barista. I worked at SBUX in Colorado for 2 years, and had a fucking blast! I still can call a drink they way it should be. That was backwhen you actually had to know how to pull a shot, adjust the grind on-the-fly, use timers to time the shot (18-23 seconds was expected)

These business titans most likely voted for the idiot responsible for this, so excuse me if I don’t fucking care your business is tanking due to the fucking idiot you voted for. If you pay dues to the Chamber of Commerce or the NFIB, tough shit. You get what you pay and vote for.

Wingnut welfare!! 30 years from now he’ll be a nominee for SCOTUS.

And this is why we have Cheeto as our president* Media is so fucking weak and scared of losing access that journalism has been thrown out the window.

Now playing

Try watching his 60 Minutes episode. 10 minutes of sheer fucking terror!!!

8 out of 8! Where’s my fucking pony, Google!?!?

He’s way better at this job than his last, that is for sure!

Riot GRRRRRLS gotta make dough too! Not all can land a TV project with Fred “I’m creepy as fuck”Armisen.

They constantly measure your blood alcohol level, as they don’t want you wasted, just tipsy.

I’ve done this a few times since I have a buddy that worked for the highway patrol in my state. It’s a blast! You get to drink top-shelf booze, eat tasty snacks, and get driven home. And you really learn a lot about yourself and your tolerance for alcohol in the process.

If you have nothing to hide coppers, what are you afraid of? Oh yeah, laws only apply to regular folks, not cops. They get to shoot people, dogs, cats, etc. and go on paid vacation.

He is everything that is wrong with the Silicon Valley way of thinking. #1 rule in SV is NEVER TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYFUCKINGTHING!!!