
I had the same experience- gained weight from stress and got discouraged if I didn’t see results within a week or two. I joined a group that does 1-workout classes twice a week. I also track my food, meal prep lunches and dinners... I try to only eat out once or twice a week (one lunch - always a salad - and one

If you are a nurse and have malpractice insurance, your insurer would likely pay for an attorney to represent you at the deposition.

My dude would not take a pacifier until he went to daycare because he had a booby on demand at all times before that. Use the pacifier! Do not let the doctor shame you! Your little guy is fine as long as he is gaining weight and has wet/poopy diapers!

I couldn’t keep my son awake when nursing no matter what I did. He was never off of the boob at first. 

What a nug! Congratulations! I also went from “meh” on babies to a fanatic overnight when I had mine. I hope you continue to feel good. The worst part is that the lack of sleep makes it tough to emotionally regulate and increases depression. Good job keeping tabs on your mood and feelings!

I knew I’d be the most tired I’d ever been, but there was nothing that could prepare me for the mental effects of getting 1-3 hours of sleep broken up into 10 min to 1.5 hour chunks for 10 weeks straight. You can read all the books in the world and still not understand what that is going to feel like! 

Do not waste your time making padscicles! You can buy a 24 pack of the ice pack pads the hospital has for relatively cheap on Amazon. Search for “perineal cold packs”. The ones I bought were made by Medline. I give a box to all my pregnant friends now.

Thank you. 

Tomorrow is the last day of my maternity leave. I am so sad. 

I used to defend 1983 claims almost a decade ago and totally forgot how difficult it is to prove pattern or practice to defeat respondeat superior. Thank you.

Ah missed that!

They likely made that finding because they were worried that pressing charges would be an admission of the county’s fault in a subsequent civil suit.

Yup. I worked on a similar case involving the death of a black man suffering from alcohol withdrawal. It was never in the paper.

For what it’s worth, I have a half sister who I knew of but never met until I was in my mid-20s. She found me on MySpace. I now have a friendship with her and it’s been pretty valuable to me. Of course, that’s just my experience and every scenario is different.

Thank you!

Thanks! I agree. I think one of the challenges of early parenthood is trying to work through issues that come up when you are so sleep deprived that your emotional regulation is non existent and it’s hard to verbalize your thoughts well just due to the sheer exhaustion. 

It took me seven months to get pregnant. Have you been using ovulation strips? I had been relying on an app but finally bought the ovulation strips - turns out I was ovulating like a week after the app indicated. I got pregnant the first month I used the strips. (Sorry if you have posted before and we already chatted

Thanks. I do think that he still doesn’t understand what a seismic shift my life undertook. I understand that it’s been difficult for him, too, and he also became a parent. But he has still has most of the routine he had before the baby: he goes to work, he does his after work appointments, he goes for runs, and he

I am in the unpaid therapist position with a family member and it fucking sucks. It’s hard to set boundaries around it for a variety of reasons but I have been better about it lately without outright saying that I can’t listen to another goddamn minute, even though that is how I feel. I hope you get some space from

So, an update on my post from last weekend about my anger toward my husband for not pulling his weight with nighttime feedings / soothing: he is now doing what we agreed to before the baby was born and handling all night on Friday and Saturday nights since I do it Sunday through Thursday while I am still on maternity