
Like DBDoo, my little guy was a ‘comfort nurser’ and if you took him off the breast, he’d wake right up. So, like hers, he’d snack, snooze while comfort nursing, and so on.

Yup... he demands sustenance 10x a day and takes close to 45 minutes each time (some burp time included) soooo 450 min = 7.5 hours O_O

I need you all to know that it’s snowing in New York and I’m in a tropical paradise in Puerto Rico for a long weekend by myself because #treatyoself.  Splurged in a great hotel, got upgraded at check-in, watched sunset on the beach with a mojito, currently on a date with myself at a fancy restaurant. Once you get

I got a summons to be a witness for a lawsuit against a long term care place I worked at a few years ago. We are all warned about it in school and I hoped I would never deal with it, but here I am only five years into my career. I ate ice cream for dinner the day I got my summons. Then I made a big pot of taco soup. 

My daughter used to do what I called the “snack and snooze”.  She was a really slow eater and used to doze off.  I think it was because she never liked pacifiers - she used me for that.

I had a baby! His name is Edward Douglas and he was born the day after Valentine’s Day. He’s pretty much the love of my life even though I’m breastfeeding like 8 hours a day and I’m stupid tired. I was really scared about post-partum depression because I am higher risk for it (my mom had it, I have had prior bouts of

I got picked for jury duty! So that was the annoying start to this stupid week. I’m so mad, how can a stupid civil case last up to three weeks? That’s ridiculous. And, today we found out the state considered one of our savings account as inactive, so it was closed. We can get the money back, and we’re hoping the bank

Hey Jezzies! I have an auntie win to share! (I’m the one raising my nephew).

My nephew was picked as student of the month in his class for how much he’s improved in reading! He’s in first grade. He came to me in August barely reading more than his name and simple things like “cat”*, so it’s been one of our big

...and then there’s this gem...

I only lived in Brooklyn for ten months in the baby days of this website. I lived in an attic apartment and raccoons were all over the roof and you could hear them run around all night. When I moved in, it was deathly hot and the screenless window was open, and a raccoon stared at me and my mother for the longest five

I *may* have referred to my post-birth vaginal opening as “Arby’s roast beef” when talking about “the aftermath” with a pregnant friend (not the only detail I shared, but that one sticks out). She was shocked at the time but texted me the day after her daughter was born to thank me for my candor so she wasn’t caught

Give your friend a big hug and either sign her up for a meal delivery of small single-serve meals or cook some up yourself. Lovely friends delivered massive meals after my (yes, advanced maternal age) twins, which was so thoughtful, but I usually couldn’t eat that much between the babies’ feeding sessions, diapers,

I feel like people know, but they don’t KNOW. My friend had a kid and tore through to her asshole, and had to be taken to the operating room to fix her vagina. I didn’t realize that was physically possible until it happened to her. 4 or 5 stitches, sure. Your vagina and asshole are now one big hole? Was not prepared

I feel like it is one thing to know that you will be tired and “Oh yeah, I had that bout of insomnia a couple years ago. It sucked!”. It is a whole other experience when you are actually going through it.

Do a lot of people out there really not know about tearing/episiotomies during childbirth or that it can (at least temporarily) mess up your vadge? I know sex ed in this country is garbage these days, but I thought it was fairly common knowledge that childbirth really does a number on your lady bits.

Sorry. I did you a scare. He’s not really this big. My boy, recovering at home after dental surgery yesterday. Nervous dog mom, had to power through work yesterday. Just glad to have him home now. On the mend. <3

A suit, it’s a pretty formal place.  Hm. 

Unless this is your personal style, the latter. 

Positive news this week. My local council received the letter from my doctor explaining why the flat they gave me was making my depression and anxiety worse, the council have put me as high priority to start bidding on places that are one bedroom on their Let Select scheme so hopefully I won't be in this hell hole

I stayed up late just to post on here, as the time difference usually means it's been going on for hours before I join. Hoping everyone's well and feeling loved and if not, then there's a Brit here willing to give a hug, virtual or in person, if needed.