
Al Roker’s all stir stir stir stir.

I am so sorry. Glad you have survived intact.

I am sure Kasich is really pleased with himself right now.

Thank you Florida for making Texas look good.

Thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out. This is something I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about lately, esp with being recently clean, but not many people relate. I don’t remember outside the family really at all. Like not friend’s bday parties or school, things like that. So Id love to read

I agree. In fact I’d go a bit further and say the only good thing that’s come out of all is seeing assholes like Ryan, McCain, Christie, Cruz, and Walker get destroyed by Trump and his bullying and then later come crawling on their bellies to support him.

Well, about 2 months ago I posted about my inlaws moving to our town and I have been uneasily tolerating it, but now I’m pretty pissed.

Thanks! I know he doesn’t. We were also in bdsm. So my dominant basically threw me away...THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO A BREAKUP YOU ASSHOLE. So it’s an extra flavor of fuckery all around.

I’ve been super reflective the last day after these comments from Trump and I thought I would catalog all the times I could remember where rape culture had effected me. I created a burner account just to spew it out. Feel free to ignore me.

That’s Mr. Hairy Cheeto Anus Mouth to you peasant!

I dream of the day I’ll be able to open Jezebel and not see the hairy cheeto with the anus mouth all over the first page.

One of the kids on my caseload is a 15 year old guy who (now that he’s in residential and in a safe, clean environment) looks and acts like an adorable, high spirited little nerd. He actually looks younger than 15, except for the fact that his hair has already started to turn white from the constant stress of living

I . . . theoretically agree. In principal, so long as you live in a social contract, you abrogate some of the rights you retain in the state of nature, first and foremost being the right of retribution and unlimited self-defense. You are supposed to cede your power to murder and kill, even in self-defense, to the

I would still argue PTSD. That sort of trauma takes its toll and when you aren’t personally in the thick of it, it’s difficult to really grasp the sense of fear and distress a victim is feeling.

I think we all know why.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

Weeelllllllll... The reason charges were brought is because she shot him while he was sleeping, so premeditation is key there. I think it’s pretty clear she tried everything she could before she came to the conclusion that killing the guy was her family’s only way out. We have laws, vengeance isn’t the answer, can’t

As a man who values his family above all else I am beyond disgusted by these comments Donald Trump would make and I ask all Republicans join me in a wholehearted rejection of everything it stands for.

Six months of managing not to brutally murder someone isn’t super convincing of ability to live peacefully.