
My mom loves that show too. She lives in Alaska, I live in Texas (almost two hours away from Waco) and she has also talked about moving to Waco and buying a house for them to renovate. Fortunately the woman is all talk (I’ve lived here for over 4 years now and she’s talked a lot about visiting but has yet to step foot

We are at that age where we can finally throw back a bottle of beer and watch the zoot suit riot over the word “zaddy”

Knitting is the best!! Knitting while stressed is very therapeutic!! When I’m stressed/pissed off I like to put my earplugs in and listen to metal while I knit the negativity away, I call it knittal. Knittal can also be used when you are knitting and listening to metal without the need to knit the negativity away,

Will do!! I’ll be making sure my new roommate does too lol

Thanks!! I haven’t been remotely like this since before I started dating my ex. It’s a newer, more secure version, of the old me. I’m glad she was ready to make a comeback lol.

I’m stealing that line (this guy is making a lot of weird and bad choices, so at least he’s consistent) in different variations, I love it.

I FINALLY get to move out of my ex’s house (long story, we actually did good as roommates but it still wasn’t a healthy situation), my friend (who recently got out of a relationship) and I found a freaking sweet house for rent and just got the keys today and are ready to do this. I have had this guy friend from

Don’t you know? It’s the Republican motto!! “When all else fails, turn everyone’s attention to the Clinton emails”

Also, last night a friend of mine (friend as in we are friends, attracted to each other but live 4 states apart, as it goes for me) did a Q&A session on Facebook for his band a lot of people know he is extremely smart so they asked him questions ahead of time that required research. And, I kid you not, when he gave

There is definitely a fine line!! It’s finding the perfect mixture of intelligence, open minded views (for when your opinions differ, but can have the sense to at least understand where each other is coming from), and being respectful (in order to not manipulate and make the other feel inferior when they don’t know a

Obscure references are the best!!

I’ve always had a thing for intelligent men too, my age and older. There is something hot about a guy who can mentally challenge me. But not in the douchey superior way, but in a passionate and understand certain topics way, ESPECIALLY when its a topic I know absolutely nothing about. I want to make mad love to them

I recently did this and I feel terrible that I did it, but it had to happen. From all the bullshit my step dad put me through, she still defends the guy. I thought moving halfway across the country and seeing her on occasion and talking to her every few months would be okay, but I realized just how painful even that

That’s the things about the laws, they can be amended. It will be interesting to see how this will work. Obviously one hour isn’t enough, but it is a start and maybe a better solution will come up later. People should be more aware of what options are out there when a client admits to being in an abusive relationship

I don’t see it as a shift in responsibility, because people do talk to their hairdressers, etc about personal problems and when they do, they can casually bring up information if they are wanting to get out of the situation, which will bring them to therapists and programs that will help them get out of domestic abuse

That’s what I was thinking. She has to run into his exes quite a bit, what else are you going to do? Especially since they are married, he wrote a song called “All Of Me” to her, they have a kid together. If their relationship wasn’t solid she would be singing a different tune. So why create drama when you can come to

It’s about how the church ran her life and how her mom got them(her and her sister) sucked into the Scientology church back when she was a kid. It’s some crazy stuff. She does talk about King of Queens but not as much as you would think considering it was her big break in Hollywood.

Leah Remini won me over with “Troublemaker” because of how she tells it as it is. I ordered it on Audible which was the best decision ever because I got to listen to it in her outspoken New Yorker accent. Highly entertaining!

Now playing

ONLY if it’s done with this song on max volume.

A friend of mine did that once as an adult. He once found himself surrounded by bouncers and a DJ in a parking lot one night so he whipped his dick out and started peeing in a circle. None of the guys wanted to touch him after that. It’s a good defense tactic.