
I’m (thankfully) in my mid-thirties and don’t have many people on social media that blast super intimate details about their lives/relationships. But I’ve seen it and it just makes me cringe.

Seriously. Every time I see someone go bananas on social media, spilling their secrets and private lives, I wonder if they know how badly it makes them sound. It’s petty, cheap, ridiculous and attention seeking.

I’m not an expert on relationships or anything but I think putting your fiance on blast over social media is probably not a wise decision.

I love the part when they’re all tormenting Rachel with eye puns and Joey pokes himself in the eye saying “Me too, me too!” He did lovably stupid so well.

It was still fun.

Oh, rethink that. The no smoking, no drinking policy would be a small price to pay for a look inside what is reported to be one of the finest Dakota apartments that hasn’t been updated since the 1970s.

Everyone has given up. Even Captain America.

How many times today do you think Barack and Michelle just looked at each other, burst out laughing, and high-fived? I’m going with 20 as a minimum.

He is just amazingly beautiful, isn’t he? Don’t care if it’s huge

Lady Gaga has been spotted in Cabo where perhaps she’ll meet an Alejandro.

Why are they doing this to her???????? Just because she is a black woman who is in Ghostbusters????? I don’t understand. Who are these people?????????? It scares me to think that I could know one of them and not know it.

Yeah remember 2007 when Jezebel wasn’t a pop culture site? Those sure were the days.

She didn’t. There was no mentioning of an ex.

My all time favorite weird celebrity gossip is back when Zsa Zsa Gabor’s shady “prince” husband claimed he could be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter. That was delightfully off the wall.

Meh. I’ll be out by the handball court smoking a joint.

I can’t get past the sanctimonious crap the non-famous friend of TS posted. If I wasn’t team Kim and Kanye before, all that prayer shit pushed me right over the edge.

Even reading from a teleprompter Melania Trump seems to struggle in English. I wouldn’t blame her for having some help putting a speech in its final form. But obviously she didn’t write this speech, and whoever wrote it wants that to be known while winking at the Internet with the subtle rickroll.

wow, you wrote an outline? We got an overachiever over here.

You just explained my entire college career perfectly.

Yeah and I studied for that test for six weeks, and by six weeks I mean I wrote half a page of outline on night one, did nothing for the next five and s half weeks, occasionally looked at the cover of a book, and then panicked and did everything the night before.