
I really want him to get his own talk show or something. I mean, PR is fine, but I feel like it isn’t using his talents nearly enough.

Tim Gunn is my co-pilot.

I bet you she is more salty that two swanson dinners and a bowl of ramen.

47 people, Chipotle serves about a million a day, plus locations are all over the map.

Here’s my favorite. It’s so beautiful *wipes tear from eye*

Dove promise wrappers have really taken a turn for the worse in the past few years. They used to at least say flattering bs like “people should pay you for your good advice” now its like “take a chocolate break”. THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING ALREADY DOVE.

okay so how can we b friend with this client :P. I’m a sucker for color and therefore Kate Spade

I always suspected that with the outlet items...

44-year-old clickbait. Well played.

I would assume she didn’t give her name.

Stages of me attempting to watch this, illustrated by Prince:

I always figured if I won the lottery I would randomly tip servers a couple hundred bucks. I feel like people shit all over them and a reminder that all customers aren’t entitled jerks goes a long way. I'm glad Kevin Smith is a good guy; I always assumed he would be.

Ahh, old loves. Burt Reynolds is still in love with Sally Field!

Come on now, Blen. I’m all for you two banging it out in the sheets but please don’t bring instruments or the rest of us into it.

Goth Barbie: Were any of us ever alive?

So what happens if I post a screenshot of a text or an email (which I’ve done with no issue)? I feel like the posts would need to be reported several times first.
To me, it’s just further proof Lemon and those he works with are bullies.

I don’t live in Lake County but I work there, and the outrage and support for this officer’s “execution” was intense and super-racist. My old hs English teacher and a few others changed their fb pictures to “Blue Lives Matter” and talked about the “war on police”.

Fuck you, Canada! Stop making the United States look bad! We are stuck just trying to make sure guys like this don’t become President: