
Ryan went on to attend Miami University of Ohio, one of America’s most Bro colleges

She and Don Lemon need to team up for a show, called “New Black Like Me” sponsored by The Heritage Foundation

So appropriate!

Yup— on both sides.

Or maybe she’s the wildcard here - the dudes are normal and in love with her and then her nutty shit blows it all sky high. It’s not always the ex who is the batshit insane one.

Not sure “controversy” is the right word to describe what surrounds the Ghostbusters remake. “Controversy” implies some legitimate material dispute of facts, interpretations, or values. This is just a mass man-child temper tantrum.

I get the feeling that Bernie Sanders would not suck up to any celebrity du jour, just to appear hip and up to date, even though I can totally see The Boos supporting Sanders. Just listen to ‘The Ghost Of Tom Joad’.

Currently, he would have trouble getting on the list (given that drug use was the cause of the kidney failure). I would imagine he would have to put together a strong string of sobriety before he was considered.

I have a friend, a female in her mid-60’s who finally received her kidney after being on the list for almost 6 years. She had had to complete rehab and stay sober and not smoke a cigarette for more than a 1.5 years, before even being considered. She was having dialysis multiple times a week. If she needed to wait. He

Old white men yell at things.

Yep. There’d be some new “bite me”s and “if you’re not interested in what I have to say, why am I fucking here? There are several bottles of wine out there with my name on them”s in the Congressional Record if I were her.

Texas is great, I swears on me mum. Our politicians are mostly terrible though. A couple good ones get elected, but they get lost in the flood of idiot politicians.

I hope every person who made snide remarks about how she could go cry on a bag of money now understands that there is no amount of money that can compensate for the loss of child, particularly when your child dies in a painful and unnecessary fashion.

Let’s look at all the silver linings here.

I think he may have inspired me to keep a sign folded up in my bag for those future cold, rainy/snowy Sunday afternoons when the anti-choice protestors drag their children out to stand by the road and attempt to "engage" people waiting for the bus.

Wonder how many kids this dude’s adopted. I used to love it when they’d engage the director of the clinic where I used to escort. She adopted two kids. That’s like two more than all of the protesters put together. Fuck them.

Your explanation is very intelligent but my instinct is that they made this decision and ‘leaked’ it to their own television shows’ network for publicity. And all the other practical considerations came later. I know, I’m cynical but this family, ugh. My first reaction is that they will always use any life event -

I dunno that I would be so harsh on this guy. It sounds like he’s trying to say, “If I talk on this at all, I’m just going to taste my own feet and make things worse.” And rather then be a problem on something he truly doesn’t understand, he’s instead focusing on keeping out of the way of those who do understand.