Hahaha. Fucking totally agree!!
Hahaha. Fucking totally agree!!
Every time I see his face I want to punch it.
Gutted!!! I love Shade Court. You have shown me the ways, Kara
Literally have done this hahaha
She has Facebook for chrissakes.
I was with someone a while ago who had freakishly small nipples. He turned out to be totally untrustworthy.
If you come on a boat, Tony Abbott will not let you in ;)
People willing to admit they don’t know will actually learn more in the long run.
sorry kids!
he’s hilarious, right? like dick-head hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless
wouldn’t it be a ‘still life’ rather than a ‘portrait’ ? ;)
I’m LOVING him in the show.
He admitted to making up the Karla rumor.
I think it was huge everywhere. I’m in Australia.