

Given that this is a step-down model aimed at presumably more casual players, it’s probably enough.

Okay, developers... repeat after me:

I’m sure Disney ran the numbers and read the room just fine. 

So out of principle I decided I’d become a carnivore”

Please enlighten me”

Health bars in my Punch-Out? I remember that really bothering me.”

Idealism is definitely a negative if it helps Donald Fucking Trump remain president, you twat.

What, exactly, made the Android a pain in the ass?

The thing is it wouldn’t even be a tactic in the case of these people. There shouldn’t be a need to fabricate stories of swine love when the target has already incriminated themselves loudly and unequivocally with their own words and actions. That’s just basic reporting.

Her digital footprint is nothing but heinous and embarrassing. She’s not hiding it. To her supporters, that’s literally why they voted for her.

We’re trapped in the bed with them, unfortunately. She’s almost certainly going to win a spot in Congress given the shitstain district she represents.

Unfortunately, it no longer really matters who wins the debate in any classical sense of the word. It doesn’t matter who makes the smarter points or stronger arguments. It doesn’t even matter who sounds more like a sane human being.

Now if only they’d finally get around to the actual dying, we could get on with things.

It’s funny that you started that post with “citation fucking needed” just to follow it with your own baseless presumption.

Ah, yes. So disappointing that the last decade has led us down the road of not wanting to fund the livelihoods of outspoken racists and bigots. What has the world come to?

Just chuckling over here at “president of Intellivision.”

Wait, so he can run left and right?

He wouldn’t dare! It’s just not something a person should feel comfortable saying out loud like the n-word.

Just wait until the New XBox Series X XL releases in 2022.