good god this is inane. having been present for the births of both of my children, missing them would not have been The Worst Thing Ever, and could be made up easily through the mandatory decades of subsequent parenting.
good god this is inane. having been present for the births of both of my children, missing them would not have been The Worst Thing Ever, and could be made up easily through the mandatory decades of subsequent parenting.
Who the hell has the time-
Repeat after me: We’re not going to protest. We’re not going to protest! WE’RE NOT GOING TO PROTEST!!!
It hurts because it’s true. So very, very true.
I think New York could use a 2nd professional team.
15/15. It was actually Burneko’s pitiful dick.
100% Fuck.
Had to have been. I got 14/15 and I know that I nailed them all.
Well, I guess that mean he now owns this, so now he can be the one to try to get everyone fired (highly NSFW)
I said this in the thread about the congresswoman who was campaigning; it’s already insulting that they think we’re stealing, but it’s more insulting that they think we’re such bad fucking thieves.
Like the Tesla, he’s storing a lot of energy in his belly.
Millennial here (born 1983) and I hate body wash. This is mostly because it feels impossible to fully rinse off. You can pry my bar of soap from my cold, sudsy hand.
One might also note that Jones is in the middle of Operation Paul Revere 2018,
Ha! It never occurred to me that it wasn’t pumpkin cheesecake! My brain identified it without me even being aware of what I was assuming. It also reminded me I have 3/4 of a pumpkin pie squirreled away in my deep freeze and now I know what I’m eating for breakfast!
Huge props to Larry for stepping up here and taking a public stance on this. Us libtards can yell and scream and shake our fists on issues like this all we want, but it will always fall on deaf ears to hardcore 2nd amendment supporters. It’s going to take a major effort from high-profile guys like Chipper, who likely…
So Bitcoin is basically like playing Adventure Capitalist?
Still seems risky to me.