
Patrick Day had a college degree and had other avenues to make a living. He was by all accounts an intelligent, humble person. You nailed the $50,000 part as that was his highest payday earlier this year, he probably took home about $15,000 after taxes, managers, promoters and trainer cuts.

In the States we call that “getting married.”

I’m on board with this.  I tipped a replacement waitress $.04 on a $50 tab the other day.  What’s wrong with it?

Agreed.  Voting is nearly the least a person can do to affect change.  They can also attach ribbons to their emails and hash tags to their twitter posts.  And bitch about people who don’t vote.  But Lynch’s contribution is 100 times more effective than the average person’s and he’s the one playing defense?  

Yeah, I could never do something like this.  I’d have a better chance if they waterboarded me daily while I was in there just to break the monotony. 

This reminds me of the time one of my high school teammates put his jersey on backwards in the locker room before a game to make fun of another guy who had worn his jersey backwards.

It all depends on what the other grand masters have recommended in the 6 month strategy sessions (hopefully not filmed.)

Amen Eddie. For years I’ve been trying to convince boxing fans that HBO is 80% responsible for killing the sport over the last 30 years. It’s plain as day. And you articulated better than I ever did. I just tried to throw statistics and economics at it.  Good riddance HBO. 

Exactly. I’d be shocked if less than 98% of contact wearers have done this.

It’s zero articles split in half. 

As much as I want to pile on Trump, I don’t see this as being a huge deal. I’m sure Ford sells a lot more Focus’ in China than they do here. I don’t know where you guys live but around here the only Fords on the road are trucks and SUV’s. And a handful of Mustangs. 

I don’t want Bryce Harper to come to my team.  He wore 8 flag code violations during the home run derby.  We already have to stand at attention 8 times a game and listen to Lee Greenwood sing.  You’d think it can’t get any worse comes Bryce Harper wearing an America jumpsuit. 

What is “heavy cream?” And can I buy it in a small town Kansas grocery store or will I need to drive 3 hours to a place that sells things like sprouts and chevre?

That’s definitely Hosmer’s play. He is the worst fielding gold glover in the game today.

The shift is not terribly relevant to a hitter like Joey Gallo. He came to the plate 532 times last season. He struck out 196 times, walked 75 times and was hit by 8 pitches. That leaves 253 at bats where he put the ball in play. 41 of those left the yard. Of the remaining 212, 73 balls were hit on the ground. 139

“I’ll admit he wasn’t ready to fight Floyd and still did a good job his destruction on James Kirkland was impressive. That was the last time he did anything to impress me. “

I was hoping he had a plan to get the playoffs done in less than 3 months. Like maybe not having more than half the league compete in the playoffs. I might actually watch the NBA if the 82 game regular season wasn’t completely meaningless.

The fight was absurd from the jump. However, any fight made at Lomachenko’s weight or below is absurd from the jump. He’s already run out of guys to fight and Rigo represented the most accomplished and skilled guy out there. Lomachenko will have to move up in order to be in a fight that is more competitive and even

So you paraphrased. Hopefully he’ll drop by to post his version of your conversation.

What was the incident at Kansas? The only thing I’ve seen is that he kicked out the tail light of a girl’s car.