
I’m not sure why you commented about not understanding if you are so resistant to understanding an opinion not your own.

I was raised Unitarian and the church I went to was rarely directly political. In Sunday School we would learn about the other religions, go to other churches on field trips, and talk about why the Unitarians believe in respect for everyone, all without talking about a god of any kind. About half the people in the

Life can sometimes be torture. Keeping someone alive artificially when they are in pain, would die without life support, and have no chance of improvement means that, in some cases, it could be construed that the parents are prolonging suffering when death would be a release. Life is not always the kindest thing.

A woman is more likely to be shot with a gun in the house than to use that gun to protect herself.

There are vegetarian dog foods that you can look into. Check to see if it is AAFCO compliant before buying. I am a vet student and vegetarian, for the record.

Except there is no medical reason to have a handgun. Or any reason at all, really. In fact, handguns cause medical issues. People who own a handgun have a 10% increased chance of dying by gunshot. It is not at all comparable to this situation.

Drying out your skin is actually very bad in terms of hygiene. Even if you cover it with lotion afterwards. Besides the fact that you are drying it out for nothing - washing with soap in the shower doesn’t do anything. How long do you scrub your legs for?

Like I said to the OP, you washing with soap in the shower does not get you clean.

You know what the human body is good at? Cleaning itself. Sure, skin gets dirty. However, skin also sheds to reveal clean cells underneath. I am honestly surprised at the number of things people do not understand about cleanliness. You know the surgeons’ scrub? The one they do before they do surgery on you? The one

No one is making anyone else take birth control against their will, so it’s actually not forcing anyone to practice “lack of religious beliefs.” Besides the fact that separation of church and state means that “lack of religious beliefs” is the basis for our government...

But people pay for elective activities all the time. For example, if you go skydiving and get injured, your health insurance covers that. It’s the same thing.

There is, in fact, a “mothers know best” trope. That does not mean that in reality, away from tropes, that moms have it easy.

Besides the fact that you need to bring your own arguments to the table (no, justfornowtwo does not have to show that celebrity credentials do count - you made the original point that they don’t, so you have to walk the walk): Stephen Colbert testified before Congress. Unlike the members of Congress, he worked as if

I believe the trope actually comes from the fact that traditionally people (men) wanted to hold up mothers as the be-all of womanhood (it distracts women from doing other important things, like reading or making choices!), and the only time people listened to what women had to say was when they were speaking about

Unitarians and Quakers have been trying to give people asylum and advocate for change. There are probably other denominations, but I only have connectins to these two (my aunt volunteers as a translator through her church at a prison used to detain people applying for political asylum).

There are plenty of women in cultures different from yours who inherited their names from their mother, who inherited their last names from their mother, and so on. I myself have the same last name as my dad, but we come from a family tradition where last names change each generation (for example, Johanson is actually

Race is, genetically speaking, not a thing. If black is a race, then Native American (latino or South American or North American) certainly is, as well.

Can you explain what makes a white man? If it isn’t who his parents are or cultural history or what he looks like, that is.

Fertility is a funny thing. Not all cows would get pregnant, certainly, and generally having a calf by side means you won’t reproduce until you naturally wean the calf yourself (natural birth control). And we also give cows hormones to induce ovulation or kill them if they don’t produce a calf that year. We’ve fucked

I know his art. He was a very influential man and supported a lot of great causes. However, his work with Grace Jones was a bit disrespectful because (to me, and some others) it looks like a amalgamation of various African cultures (the first that comes to mind are the Masai - the white paint to the red hair). The