
What about the fact that neither the artist nor Grace Jones are African, yet are appropriating culture from there? I see a lot of POC in the US in the art world (as well as on my former college campus) wearing African clothing or painting tribal designs without recognizing that it is also appropriation and offensive.

Athletics generate revenue so the scoreboard is likely seen as an investment that will bear returns.

To some degree, yes. But as the data goes right now, cows need to drink a lot of water and need to get a lot of water from their food. A lot of their food is made in California, either grass or hay (growing alfalfa takes more water than growing almonds). To not include that in the calculation for the water costs of

I am super confused - what is your point? That all people should just eat what they want because fat people will always be fat and thin people are just “lucky”? Like everything is based on genetics?

Cows use more water, and most are in California.

So is cow’s milk and beef. Both are incredibly water-intensive and produced in California. I believe cow milk is worse.

It still does not change the fact that millions of people use Tylenol every day without any problem, mainly because they follow the directions. The reason it is available OTC is because it is very safe when used correctly. There is no way to overdose on Tylenol if you follow the instructions. My point is, vaccines are

I am not saying you are stupid or anti-science, but my tone is probably a little sharp, so I apologize. What I am saying is that putting money into research that has already been done and with a hypothesis showed to be untrue multiple times with very strong studies means pulling money from important research that

Tylenol is safe. Just like water and Vitamin A and many other necessary and healthy things, you have to moderate how much you take. People overdose on water. And people drown in water all the time, and it can cause ear infections if it gets down in your ear canal. It can cause coughing and breathing problems if

You wrote a post saying that we should do unnecessary, expensive, invasive tests on children after vaccination based on anecdotal evidence only. An MRI is invasive for young children (they are loud, stressful, and you have to stay very still). People have attempted to take the anecdotal evidence (which, funnily

I think that the captain continued forward because he thought that speeding would mean that water would not come into the ship but instead go right past. Not a smart plan, but it meant they were pretty far away from the iceberg when they realized they’d have to evacuate. Plus, there isn’t really any way to tell where

I know this is sarcasm, but I thought maybe someone might find it interesting that the main problem, some theorize, is that they did try to go around it. If they had hit the iceburg head-on, the damage would have been limited to the front part of the ship and the water-tight steel doors that slammed down during the

Capitalism requires that people are educated and informed enough to make good decisions, FYI.

Good thing vaccines have been around for decades then, huh?

I do that multiple times a week. Vet school (and conversations with my much smarter sister) has taught me that I need to keep my mouth shut until I can talk one-on-one with my professor so I don’t look dumb.

Right, but the vaccines don’t contain whole viruses that can cause infections. They contain pieces of viruses or inactivated viruses or dead viruses (as in, they can’t invade cells or reproduce or cause infection). All you get is the antigen and immune response to said antigen, so that you will remember the virus if

Vaccines are safer now than they ever have been, and contain fewer cells and chemicals than ever before because we better understand the immune system and how to stimulate it in the right way to get protection. Millions of studies have been done.


They track vaccines and autism rates, as well as tons of other things that could be affecting autism (through retrospective and prospective studies). It’s the same way people studied links between lung cancer and smoking, even though lung cancer occurs years after smoking.

Ah. I didn’t realize that was your reference frame (i.e. compared to other lawsuits against a drug company), rather than compared to my own income currently (negative dollars/year). :)