Let’s ask all American politicians, “Are you a Christian *first* or an American *first*? Is your primary loyalty to the Church or to the country?”. (This, based on the understanding that there are no non-Christian American politicians, of course)
Let’s ask all American politicians, “Are you a Christian *first* or an American *first*? Is your primary loyalty to the Church or to the country?”. (This, based on the understanding that there are no non-Christian American politicians, of course)
I would like to see an article on how these tournaments may have opened themselves up to an anti-trust lawsuit. I have not seen one article so far on the fact that the head of the French open not only leaked a private communication to Osaka but then called a meeting with all the grand slam heads to collude and release…
Thank you, Ashley... i found nothing “satirical” in stewart’s comments and it seemed as though even colbert was taken aback by the un-hinged-ness of his “buddy”...
That’s not a counterpoint to my comment at all. I completely agree.
There are legitimate concerns and ethical questions about “gain of function” experiments. Some scientific and technological experiments are less about actually advancing the human race. More about hubristic curiosity. There is a thread of a point there.
Cool. It’s like you didn’t read any of the other plausible explanations Ashley cited in the story. I don’t have a hard-on for hating China. You can high-five the other folks in the replies. You’re wasting your time on me.
I’m... concerned that some people are looking at this and this it’s satire. There was absolutely nothing indicating he wasn’t being serious, and his comments about “science going too far” were absurd.
People want this to be a lab leak because it’s a lot easier to cope with the idea that “if China just had tighter lab security none of this would have happened” than it is to cope with the idea that pandemics are going to pop up every once in a while, and it is painfully obvious that we are totally unprepared in all…
Thank you, Ashley! This lab leak is bullshit. It’s like people learned nothing from the invasion of Iraq.
To a degree it’s completely beside the point - if it was a lab leak, then it was a virus that was already out there in the wild and could have gotten to humanity at any time.
(Unfortunately, either way, the time happened to be when the dumber among us had partnered with a 220-year-old mistake to put a syphilitic game…
When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.…
Not my joke, but someone made the quip that Tucker Carlson has the perpetual look of a man who’s just seen a penis that’s not his own for the first time and can’t tell if it’s large or his is small.
Exactly what I was thinking. If one of my kids needed help in managing their affairs, I would do that shit for free, because they’re *my child*. Him asking for 16K a month tells me everything I need to know about him.
Right. I think it’s generally irresponsible for the media and #FreeBritney loons to speculate on her needs, and it very well may be the case that she can’t manage certain parts of her life, but as you’re saying there’s absolutely no way to tell with how, I dunno, “noisy” her dad has made the situation. The exact word…
This is such a fucking suspect mess. There should be an independent conservator appointed by a family court or somesuch to figure this all out. It is certainly possible that Brittany needs that kind of help but there’s so much damn smoke around her dad, I cannot imagine there’s no fire.
Honestly, I just assume that any male television host of a certain age with perfect hair is wearing or applying something on a daily basis.
Right? This idea that “only” 10-30% of people get addicted so it’s no big deal - that’s a huge number of people! Now I don’t think that a whole bunch of people are suddenly going to start using heroin if it’s decriminalized - maybe I’m wrong - but even if it’s just a small number, 10-30% of those people becoming…
Another way to spin this is that a third of the users of hard drugs will fall into a hellish spiral of addiction which they will have to fight for years to break free of and will cause untold damage to themselves and others in the process. But cool, you chase that dragon if it makes you feel like a rebel.
Destigmatizing seeking help if you wind up addicted = good.