
You must also know that even if there was a lab leak in this case (which is unlikely), the way humans are behaving around the world with respect to the natural environment it is only a matter of time before we have another outbreak situation. We’re just dumb.

When I went to gymnastics camp, Tony Hawk came and visited the skateboard part of the camp. I had an older friend who was about 15 (I was 12) but had large breasts to the point where she wore two sports bras to do gymnastics. We were walking around the camp and Tony Hawk drove by on his golf cart and looked my friend u

You don’t know what anarchy is.

If you are worried about hip dysplasia, I would ask your vet and recommend some x-rays of her hips (the PennHIP program is the best). There are things that can be done to help if you would like to spend some money (surgery is the most common, but some people have made some cool braces for growing dogs) but it is

Nope, those guys get paid to do paperwork, too. The way you do it is up your fees in order to cover the cost of doing business, whether that means hiring a new person or doing it yourself but cutting back on client/patient time. You can’t live doing unpaid work in your spare time, especially with a high-stress job

Due to the way healthcare works here, more of a doctor’s time is spent on paperwork for the patient than examining the patient. They are still doing work for you, but they aren’t with you. Doctors alao spend 4 years of undergrad and 4 years of medical school (which is like an additional 8 years of undergrad in sleep

Men would find it difficult to get into medical or veterinary school without some diversity fudging. Women tend to have higher grades, more experience, and better attitudes about working their ways up.

I wrote a 16 page paper on this in high school, back when many scholars refused to address this topic. It was specifically about the Catholic Church’s role. My teacher/advisor was Catholic and pretty religious; she gave me a bad grade.

People lie because they can’t recall things, because they were doing something inappropriate or illegal, because the truth interferes with the image they are trying to project, because they want to please the person they are talking to, because they mis-remember, because they want to not be questioned anymore, etc.

That’s not what an accessory is.

White people don’t have to be guilty to finger someone of another race, particularly a black person. Many victims will say a black person did it, even if they didn’t get a good look. For example, women who were assaulted by a husband or family member might say a black man did it out of racism and fear of their abuser.

Technically, most intelligent estimates I have seen say we are past the carrying capacity of earth for humans.

As far as I read, he didn’t mention much about variability in men and women, which is part of the problem. People like this guy hide sexism and racism behind shitty science. They cherry pick small data points in small studies to support what they are saying and ignore evidence that contradicts them. They take those

No, the average is exactly what this is about. Because any significant differences are examined by finding the average in men and the average in women and then comparing them. What I am saying is that the differences between men and women is not as significant as the variability that exists within the sexes.

No, his point was that women are a certain way and men are a certain way and that is why men are better in tech than women. However, that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny, because the fact is that men are more variable than he is saying. If you take a man and a woman and interview them for a job, you will find more

The average, in this case and many others, is useless. There is more variability within groups than between groups, meaning that if you happen to take any two men, they are likely even more different in personality, interests, IQ, skills, etc. than a man and a woman. You can make a claim about women being more

A lot of people want breeding soundness exams, which includes doing a sperm analysis (to see that the sperm behaves like it should) and seeing if there are any issues with the process (with a vet there in order to fix a problem should it occur).

I think this show was planned way before the controversy, something like over a year before. I doubt it is kudos for silencing black experiences - the artist is well-known outside of her painting of Till. Not saying her painting was any good, other than starting a dialogue about where the line between appropriation

Out of my own academic curiosity, would you be okay with a white woman posing in a way that most would consider appropriation as long as the artist who set it up was African American? Is it the subject or the artist who receives criticism? Most of the time, I have observed that the subject and the artist’s origins are

Isn’t it still appropriation if an American uses African imagery?