
While I am not a crazy anti-GMO person because GMOs are dangerous to human health (although considering how little research has to be put into the safety of food GMOs before mass consumption, I’m not too pleased), but because GMOs may be harmful to ecosystems. That’s an important part. For instance, Roundup Ready corn

“Over 80 percent of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury.”

That occurs with every single vaccine, before, during, and after its use. Data is tracked by the FDA, VAERS, and the CDC, as well as by scientists at universities and practicing doctors.

I hope those parents who want a slow approach because they are worried about this never take their babies anywhere or allow strange people to encounter them. Antigens are everywhere.

She doesn’t know how vaccine development and approval works. My mom has worked on developing flu vaccines (and my sister is a MD/PhD and I’m in vet school), and Jill Stein is just wrong. Sure, suggesting and researching ways to improve vaccines is great. People are working on that. But a ton of research and practice

Nope, different antigens stress the immune system in the same way. Immune cells detect the foreign antigen and present the antigens to cells that produce antibodies for the antigen. The cells then remember the antigen for faster production of antibodies if the disease is encountered again. Diseases have different

Given the general public’s inability to understand vaccines, immunity, medical science in general, or scientific methods/peer-review, they seem incapable of discussing vaccine schedules. Even here people are woefully misinformed. Vaccines are safe. Generations of people show that. There is tons of research that has to

There are independent researchers and doctors studying this, and they have been studying this for a long, long time. Maybe in some countries this research could be covered up, but not in all countries all doing research (Sweden, UK, US, France, etc.). Scientists are terrible at keeping secrets when so many people are, they don’t. I’m in vet school - there is a vaccine schedule, sure, but the main reason for spacing vaccines is because mom’s immunity to diseases lasts (and different time frames for each disease) and retaining mom’s immunity interferes with the effectiveness of the vaccine. Babies encounter thousands of new

The CDC tracks all those things.

I mean...#notallwhiteSouthAfricans

I don’t think you understand psychology very well at all. If you would like, you can read up on this stuff by looking a literally any journal that examines the mental state of rape victims or domestic abuse survivors. Or, you could just trust the people who go through it enough to know the difficulties better than you

Do you think your team wouldn’t move if it got a better deal in another city? The players change all the time - their skills, their pay...they get traded like Pokemon cards. The team is nothing but a thing to make money, just like Windex. The NFL plays on your emotions and has done a good job making people believe

I mean, our bodies also crave unhealthy amounts of processed sugar and carbs and fat over the more healthy vegetables, so I wouldn’t go so far as to completely trust your body to be logical. Historically speaking, there wasn’t mercury in fish, so that’s a factor, too. I don’t think my body can read the latest in

But that isn’t a doctor’s job. A doctor should not be in the business of lying to patients or fathers about the importance/relevance of a hymen. And printing certificates? This all heads into unethical territory. I know I’m just a lowly vet student, but the certificate giving that vets do kinda annoy me, too - it

A lot of the money big game hunters provide does not go to the communities that need it, and the populations of animals that are killed are not well managed, so some lions may overcrowd areas with vulnerable people and others may have no lions at all. As much as I wish that nature were cruelty-free (i.e. everyone was

Why are human deaths more important than animal deaths? Most people go through their lives with this intrinsic idea that humans are more valuable than animals, and get very upset when anyone questions it. What exactly is it about humans versus animals that makes it so I should care more about humans who die wrongly

Well, if you want to talk about priorities in outrage, the shooting of black people wouldn’t actually be near the top. Global warming, habitat loss, extinction, and other environmental and animal-related concerns will lead to more deaths than police shootings. And many of them will be poor Africans.

I think it is hypocritical to be upset about Cecil in particular but to not take action against trophy hunting, poaching, and habitat loss in general that result in the deaths of millions of animals every day. Cecil the lion is less of an issue to me than the fact that all of these behaviors (habitat destruction,

I told you the way I know about Marx and Marxism is through my brother, not through my education. He made an effort to study it and did a lot of it on his own. As a philosopher, he is more open to multiple different ideas and is skilled at doing research (more so than MBAs, who generally have very little research