
I know right? I'd aspire to that level of condemnation. Here's a photo of the real deal...

This article tells more about this very sad story, with this final detail...

Interestingly though, a MAN lived in that house with her and he isn't being charged with anything. But I suppose a man isn't mentally ill when he lives in these conditions.

It sounds strange and archaic because it is. The law apparently has its origins in the late 17th century. Surprised to see that someone tried to update it last year, most recently - I'm sure it will get renewed attention now.…

As terrible as this story is, they are burying the lede, IMO. The law specifies out of wedlock, meaning if you conceal the death of a child in the context of marriage, there is no crime. The law was only changed to include fathers, rather than just mothers, in 1977. covers the backstory of the law.

Right? Makes it sound as though concealing a non-out of wedlock fetal death is legal.

It may be one of those archaic laws that never got off the books, like "No using your carriage on Sundays" or something.

concealing an out of wedlock fetal death? That's a pretty specific crime.

Except that the dog was trained to act that way, the cat is naturally an asshole.

Yeah, that's the biggest question I had also. The thing is, the details they reveal to the public/media at this phase are so restricted, we may not know for awhile. I had a whirlwind of guesses/assumptions (which really aren't fair to him at this point, honestly). My first guess, if he knew this guy (who would later

Probably a bit of shock and disbelief, and a bit of "They will probably kill her if police come".

"That's right—while they kept a woman as a sex slave in their home, they invited company over."

What the fuck? These have to be the 2 dumbest kidnappers in recent history. Or were they that far gone that they assumed people wouldn't have a problem with them having a sex slave? What the fucking fuck. This story is the

Oh my God, they completely dehumanized her and saw her as an incubator. I hope she gets counseling and help. Hopefully she can reclaim her life and see these monsters serve real jail time.

which isn't even that impressive! I mean, he'd be a douche even if it was $32 million, but there are tons of dudes who make $128 grand a year and don't think it makes them superior.

Just in the interest of accuracy, it's entirely possible for short skinny people to be murderers. Get enough drugs into them, or make them angry/psychotic enough, and they can take down a good half-dozen people before they're subdued.

I am definitely ordering all of the fruit pies in front of this cool guy

I don't know, around the "You're an Account Manger" line I probably would have hung on just to see what was coming next. You can't even be mad at this shit, it's too fun watching him crash and burn.

This is what happens when you praise every little thing your sons do.

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.