
yeah, the combination of the call where he recognized he’d restrain Midge from her dreams + his little speech telling everyone off for judging them has really helped the possibility of an eventual reunion.

“Your little toys.” “They’re not toys.” “They’re cute.” “They’re cute, yes. But they’re not toys.”
“I mean look at you. It’s like a dollop of whipped cream grew a head.”
“You look at a tree, you go to bed, you get up, you look at a tree. You’re gonna do that for two straight months? What the fuck is going on up there?”

The neglect of the baby is played for laughs. I like dark humor but this almost* crosses the line.

The opening of “We’re Going To The Catskills” is so delightfully twee and symmetrical that I wondered if I accidentally stumbled upon a scene from a Wes Anderson film.”
No, what you were ACTUALLY seeing was a color recreation of the opening credits for “To Kill a Mockingbird”, complete with Elmer Bernstein’s music

I’m trying to understand this woman’s story but I just can’t. Read the article...she’s saying her friends and family were too far you miss your flight / reschedule for the next day and miss your medical appointment and it sucks and it’s awful and *then* you sue and tell everyone that the check-in

She can go straight to hell. Mistreatment of an animal is inexcusable. I have wrestled with anxiety my entire life. The first time a doctor talked to me about the effect stress was having on my life I was 8 years old. I love my pets, and I wouldn’t hurt or kill them any more than I would a human family member no

Never have I seen so appropriate a use of an Oatmeal comic for a situation that wasn’t about grammar.

WTF is wrong with people! This woman claims to have an “emotional support” pet but flushes the one creature that offers her support, love, comfort and healing down a fucking toilet?! Someone needs to press charges for animal cruelty against this crazy bitch.

If “ableism” means judging college-aged adults who take in animals and then cruelly kill them when they become inconvenient, then I hope it’s here to stay. Actually, “ableism” is prejudging to someone due to their mental or physical disability. We’re not doing that. We’re judging her by her disgustingly cruel actions

That’s what kills me. She really thinks describing how terrified her pet was before she killed it is going to make people feel bad for HER.

Oof. The description of her killing the... nope, I can’t. This was a rough story to wake up to.

She wasn’t forced to do anything. She literally flushed a living creature down the toilet of her own volition. I’ve got my own panic disorder and I’m trying to empathize but this is just baffling.

And even if they did, so fucking what? Someone suggesting you should behave an abominably cruel manner doesn’t give you an excuse to do it.

What’s insane is that she must have called the paper with the story. How did she not realize that this made her look like a monster?

Now she’s been traumatized because she was forced by airline staff to euthanize her ESA

And I’d bet good money she’s already purchased the next animal that she’ll kill the moment it becomes inconvenient.

Yea, I was thinking the same. Like, it was an “emotional support” pet, yet she killed the little critter instead of just looking for another option?

Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.