
Look at what he's eating, he's OBVI a vegebearian.

Well, no one likes eating crow.

Don't get your feathers ruffled over it. I just don't want to duck the issue.

Well, maybe I'm just old and jaded. After all, it did save the bird from a grizzly fate.

Ugh, your comment is so unbearable!

God, it's an ALRIGHT video, but it's not like it's anything to crow about.

I have a theory about people who bitch about women dressing "sexy."

I Googled the lady expecting to find some Fox News level cleavage. I found a lady dressed like Hillary Clinton instead.

Nailed it. Your grandpa could tap dance all over Auschwitz as far as I'm concerned. He earned it.

My guess is he was thinking "fuck you, Nazis, I survived and you're the scum of the known world."

This is a bag phone. This is something like what my first cellphone looked like. The one I had did have a battery. The battery ran the length of the entire bag.

That's so weird, I literally have an Auschwitz selfie story. So my dad's dad survived two death camps, one of which was Auschwitz-Birkenau. (He went there looking for his dad, who was already dead by the time he got there.) Towards the end of his life, my grandpa convinced my dad to go on a trip with him back to

Question: what if I'm in a city being attacked by Godzilla, and I have a great vantage point for a pic of me with Big G in the background. Can I smile then?

What the hell is going on with the chick's foot in the third photo?

Flower Corpse Hoe-Down

I don't know that she can make the transition to the highest ledge. Brent could barely reach it with a full extension. She's going to have to propel herself up there (again!) to grab that ledge. It's going to be tough. Now clearly she has not let her size hold her back thus far but her lack of reach is a serious

It's a very silly show, BUT the great thing was the announcers, the whole crowd, everyone was rooting for her! They all root for everyone, I think it's amazing how everyone supports each other.

She still has one more course to go. No one has beaten the last one, I'm definitely rooting for her.

I generally find these types of shows a bit silly, but this was an amazing display of athleticism. I wouldn't have made it past the first obstacle.